Then she marries Murdoch,37 years her senior,17 days after his divorce is final.
Like his predecessors, the prime minister has been assiduous in courting Mr Murdoch.
David Murdoch is meeting with the family that owns the controlling stake in Dow Jones.
Rupert Murdoch is expected to invest heavily in Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal.
Two decades ago, Mr. Murdoch used the cashflow from newspapers to get into televisionfilm.
Besides, who is to say that James Murdoch will necessarily do a worse job than anyone else?
更何况, 谁说小默多克就一定比其他人干得差呢?
Yet Mr Murdoch himself observes that the boundaries between different media have collapsed.
但小默多克自己说过, 不同媒体之间的界限已经消失。
Similar assurances were made by Mr. Murdoch from the start of his conversations with the Bancrofts.
But when the financier, Murdoch, pushes the experiments too far, the snakes escape, hungry and heading for civilization.
One suggested that Microsoft might team up with News Corporation, an oldmedia heavyweight controlled by Rupert Murdoch, a wily newmedia operator too.
一个传言是, 微软可能和默多克控制的新闻集团进行合作。