单词 name 例句大全,用单词name造句:

Please enter either a first name or middle name in addition to a last name to continue.
This file name is in use by another downloading process. Please choose another file name.
Also known as the first Christian name, is subject to formal legal recognition of the name.
You cannot have two channels with the same name. Please specify another name for your channel.
Ordinary lathe worker 4,mill,pliers,grinder apprentice proper name,master mechanic proper name.
普通车工4名,铣 钳 磨床学徒工数名,熟练工数名。
In England, the last name is the family name. The first and the middle name is tile given name.
In this case, the selector is the ancestor element name followed by the descendant element name.
This algorithm mainly solves the English personal name auto translation to Uyghur personal name.
The Name of the Ku Jie Jun appears in the Ming Dynasty, is the bamboo tea stoves elegant name.
The name of a breakout subgroup is the name of the main group, followed by a space and a number.
Author Last name, First name. Year. Title. Type of Working Paper working series title and number.
This domain name has expired. Please contact your domain name service provider to renew domain name.
In a quiet moment of reflection today, I had a look at the name card in my pocket my own name card.
It is said that the name of the praise too was taken from the name of their abbot Shri Jana Gunaphala.
After downloading ring tones, ring tones are automatically file name with the name of naming ringtones!
铃声下载完后, 铃声文件名都是自动按照铃声名来命名的!
According to the Sihong official said, to the late was the name of the name of Shi Guobao to amass money.
Business strategy aim at international name brand, overrun national name brand, make zhouji name brand !
The day description is simply a name and the values that span the 24 hours in a day to be associated with that name.
Ben people stand no change name, sit no change xing, big name ding ding, call wind call rain, Im river lake small hun hun!
Choose a domain name is especially important, short, easy to remember more advantageous to the promotion of the domain name.
The building authority, the administrative authority and even the name authority all advocate the right to receive name fees.
This person of hyphenated name Weichi, individual character name gong, number respect Germany, after Baoding mountain, Liu Wuzhou.
And Maachah the wife of Machir bare a son, and she called his name Peresh; and the name of his brother was Sheresh; and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.
The name of Policies mitella, a kind of animal that lives in the coastal region of Jejiang province, the name coming from its shape like a turtle's foot.
I have a bad habit of asking people what their name is then forgetting to pay attention. Quite embarrassing when I have to ask them their name again later.

单词 name 释义

  • 单词释义:名字;名声;名人  [更多..]



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