单词 nanny 例句大全,用单词nanny造句:

Soon it was a nanny at home, and later with the Shun married before.
曾是顺才家里的保姆, 后来跟顺才结了婚。
There are nanny cams hidden throughout this entire house. All right.
But it worked, attracting a brave soul who's never been a nanny before.
岂料此举居然奏效, 吸引一名从没当过保母的勇士上门。
To have a nanny is very expensive in the UK, few families can afford it.
在英国, 雇保姆很贵, 没几家能雇得起。
Lets consider some problems that a nanny has to solve in a kindergarten.
We are not going anywhere until you confess you have the hots for our nanny.
在你承认我们的保姆很性感之前 我们哪也不去。
It makes sense that a former slave like Nanny would have such a perspective.
Nanny ferocious paragraph are more interesting games, everybody give it a try!
凶恶的保姆是款比较有趣的游戏, 大家试试看!
However, he dared not strike Nanny Mang because no decent man will hit a woman.
可是他不敢打张妈, 因为好汉不和女斗。
She had already cottoned on to the fact that the nanny was not all she appeared.
Children under age of five must be accompanied by parents, baby sitter or nanny at all times.
We left him behind in the apartment when Nanny had her stroke and went into the nursing home.
外婆中风住进医院时, 我们把他留在了公寓。
Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny.
Besides that, the princess would never be allowed to do them, no matter what the nanny thought.
But on the fourth day, some lady guests arrived and Nanny Mang hurried to set up the mahjong table.
I know what homelessness hopelessness feels like.Its the nanny me would fitch an enemy who defeats your will.
我知道无助的感受, 就像是敌人击垮了你的意志。
Her duties involved housecleaning, assisting the nanny, escorting children to school, assisting the wife in cooking.
她负责家居清洁, 帮助保姆, 送小童上学, 帮助太太煮食。

单词 nanny 释义

  • 单词释义:(儿童的)保姆;<口>奶奶;姥姥;母山羊  [更多..]



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