单词 nationwide 例句大全,用单词nationwide造句:

The period of nationwide alignment is unforgettable for people of my father's generation
Efforts Be made for Being Model Mineral Enterprise for Environmental Protection Nationwide
We will develop a nationwide fitness program and raise the competitiveness of our athletes.
广泛开展全民健身活动, 提高竞技运动水平。
House prices will continue to fall nationwide, with big declines in California and Florida.
美国全国的房价将继续下跌, 加州和佛州的跌幅将非常巨大。
The authorities have launched a nationwide media campaign for the voter registration process.
Elementary school children crouch under their desks as part of a nationwide earthquake drill.
Central government is responsible for variety and continuity in the performing arts nationwide.
To investigate and redress cases of infringement of copyright that are of nationwide influence.
Railway stations nationwide will also do the same adjustment if they have a ticket display screen.
For instance, did the Youth League not independently issue calls to conduct nationwide movements ?
比如青年团单独来一个号召, 在全国搞一个什么运动, 有没有?
Study of the Role and Popularity Prospect of Balloon Volleyball in Nationwide Bodybuilding Movement
Later Yuan Shikai died in grief under nationwide condemnation against his attempts to restore monarchy.
The Kuomintang, and Communist Party declared jointly by telex nationwide unity in the fight against Japan.
But from a nationwide point of view, the foregone consumption has a certain effect on current consumption.
Classes and other educational programmes were being broadcast by14 television channels for schools nationwide.
and finally arriving at todays situation in which we have a commercial product ready to be rolled out nationwide.
Executives at Norway's National Broadcasting Service are now considering broadcasting a night of knitting nationwide.
挪威国家电视台高层 正考虑下次要播放全国编织之夜。
State Forestry Administration of China. Survey report for terrestrial wildlife resource in nationwide, 2001. The same bellow.
Article 7 The state shall carry out a policy of unified nationwide qualification examination for certified public architects.
A nationwide campaign to crackdown on unaccredited reporters has already netted 100 individuals and 500 unregistered publications.
Spurred on by the Hamburg mauling, they eventually imposed a nationwide ban on importing and breeding pit bulls and related breeds.
Specifically, the administrative department of labor of the State Council shall be in charge of the promotion of employment nationwide.
The Secret Contact Between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party from the Fifth Nationwide Congress of the Kuomintang to the Sian Incident
When it comes to work which should be done nationwide, the Central Committee of the Youth League should consult with the Party Central Committee.
属于全国范围的, 团中央同党中央商量。
You could then guesstimate how many stores there were nationwide, based on the number of stores per 100,000 people in each of the cities you counted.

单词 nationwide 释义



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