单词 necessarily 例句大全,用单词necessarily造句:

The bloated numbers make clear that the production's target audience is not necessarily Chinese.
Managers of the intelligence agencies do not necessarily know how many contractors work for them.
The perspective of the readers does not necessarily need to match their actual role in the project.
Discrete data is not necessarily homogeneous, and discrete selection is not necessarily contiguous.
Because its not the case that reversing aging is necessarily all that much harder than retarding it.
Being expert does not necessarily mean one is red, but being red means one must strive to be expert.
The study of taxonomy must necessarily involve the amassing of an encyclopaedic knowledge of plants.
Henceforth, the appliance such as air conditioning, freezer moves toward computerization necessarily.
今后, 空调, 冰箱等家电必然走向电脑化。
As a matter of fact, many exceptional people do not necessarily have an impressive academic background.
That assumes the queue manager can be restored in the first place, which is not necessarily guaranteed.
这就假设队列管理器可首先恢复, 但这是没有保证的。
Women whose bodies are not producing adequate amounts of hormones won't necessarily know it,Shively said.
There is no a priori reason for assuming that these processes will necessarily hang together functionally.
Therefore, tax adjustment of mineral products will not necessarily increase the prices of mineral products.
A discern what mother come in, kas long as the son necessarily comes to appearance money again immediately.
一见何妈妈进来, 就知道今儿必是又来了外钱。
That provision should, however, not necessarily be interpreted as recognition of an absolute right to asylum.
But metamorphosis does not necessarily beautiful, caterpillar change is not necessarily the butterfly, right?
但蜕变不一定美丽, 毛毛虫变的不一定是蝴蝶, 对不对?
And we should be proud of where our power is coming from, rather than something we are necessarily ashamed of.
我们应为我们能源的来源感到自豪 而不是感到羞愧
You may not necessarily dislike people anymore, but you still disapprove of some of their actions or behaviours.
It just so happens to be in the sixth through 8th floor of the building, but that is not necessarily an expensive approach.
从6楼到10楼 但并不贵
Stimulative mechanization of farming, should expand necessarily and strengthen agriculture machinery industry of the country.
The systematisation and the subsequent utilisation of archives necessarily form the basis for the compilation of Qing history.
Second, the semblance attractive woman not necessarily interesting, the interesting woman certainly very is actually beautiful.
外表漂亮的女人不一定有味, 有味的女人却一定很美。
Accordingly, the reason of deep administrative levels that inadequacy needs inside connects cheek by jowl with system element necessarily.
因此, 内需不足的深层次原因必然与体制因素紧密相联。
And you don't necessarily need to use this for just aesthetic customization, you can use it for functional customization, scanning parts of the body.
你不只进行 审美定制。还可以功能定制。扫描产品部分
In the imperial exams held in ancient China, the second-place winner was not necessarily inferior in knowledge and competence to the first-place winner.

单词 necessarily 释义

  • 单词释义:必要地;不可避免地  [更多..]



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