When offered anything unusual to eat, a pig will sniff at it and nibble gently.
When I got hungry, I could nibble on chocolate root and sip dew from a buttercup.
There might also be green chilies or long green onions to nibble on while eating.
Martin said it was like being a mouse, only daring to nibble a little bit at a time.
I keep a dish of raisins and walnuts handy to satisfy the urge to nibble between meals.
我手边就备有一碟葡萄干和核桃仁, 用来解馋。
Slowly nibble off a tiny piece. Notice the flavor. Feel the juices flow into yur month.
慢慢地咬下一小口, 留心其滋味, 要感觉到橘汁在嘴里流动。
Slowly nibble off a tiny piece. Notice the flavor. Feel the juices flow into your mouth.
Carol Hi, I could not help by admire the pitch of your roof. Care to nibble on my muffins
卡罗尔嗨, 这房子的屋顶弄的不错, 他喜欢我做的蛋糕吗?
Although he is carnivorous, he will also eat vegetables, and when sickly he will nibble grass.
She was extravagant and loved to nibble, how could he support her with a child on the way too.
Advertent the means that she dines, it is slow pharynx of make a clean sweep of sth or to nibble.
留意她进餐的方式, 是风卷残云还是细嚼慢咽。
Then back in Spain, they trained a strain of Pseudomonas bacteria to preferentially nibble salt blooms.
Surging domestic demand among Persian Gulf countries also continues to nibble away at available oil exports.
Little fish came to tenderly nibble my ankles while we were swimming along in schools of beautiful and colorful fish in the crystal clear water.