单词 nirvana 例句大全,用单词nirvana造句:

This is the light that deep says, silence is the nirvana of the body, or called the management body.
这是浅说, 深说, 寂静就是涅槃的本体, 或者叫做理体。
Nirvana is the summum bonum of Buddhism and the ultimate of all that a Buddha taught or would teach.
Kicked the small doll, and then Press the left while the right mouse button can be used nirvana commands.
Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dreamthinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana!
Without severing evil passions One attains Nirvana Leave them as they are Just as you are, You will be born in the Pure Land.
Ultimately Nirvana!All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttarasamyaksambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita.
In contrast, you will always find a smaller set of users who are not touch typists and hence embrace the mouse as a pointandclick nirvana.
Commodity prices, like a kite with its string broken in the wind, soared high above the ground as though they had achieved Nirvana and immortality
物价像得道成仙, 平地飞升。

单词 nirvana 释义

  • 单词释义:(亦作N-)(印度教)生命之火的熄灭;天堂;极乐世界;涅槃  [更多..]



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