单词 negotiating 例句大全,用单词negotiating造句:

And negotiating in the Middle East without leverage is like playing baseball without a bat.
Chile and Cuba are currently negotiating an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation.
Excellent price negotiating skills, methodical and trustworthy. Quality awareness essential.
优秀的议价能力, 正直可信, 有良好的质量观。
The small groups returned to the negotiating table 11 hours after talks concluded at 3 a. m.
Lawyers at the White House and for BP have been negotiating for days about an escrow account.
5,000 drivers cannot do their own negotiating -- they need representatives to do it for them.
Negotiating and signing international cooperative agreements with the approval of the Council.
经理事会批准, 谈判和签署国际合作协议。
The plan aredrawn, after which she is responsible for negotiating the price with the customer.
计划确定了, 接下来她负责和客户谈价格。
Negotiating with the Russian when commerce of Muscovite ofof appellation of avoid by all means.
You remain the single multilateral disarmament negotiating body of the international community.
Germany was on the verge of bankruptcy and desperately negotiating with West Germany for a loan.
当时东德处在破产边缘, 正竭力与西德谈判, 以获取贷款。
If the issuing bank does not pay the draft, the negotiating bank has recourse to the beneficiary.
开证行若不付款, 议付行可向受益人行使追索权。
The lateral inward tilting,as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft,in turning or negotiating a curve.
Organizations exchange experience in negotiating advantageous telecommunication rates with carriers.
The Group hoped to enjoy the full support of its negotiating partners and the Bureau in that regard.
Each PRESTENTION must be endorsed on the reverse side of this original credit by the negotiating bank.
The two negotiating parties began to attack each other because they held completely different opinions.
So far, Han has been adept at negotiating the authorities unspoken boundaries on permissible criticism.
The following persons shall dispense with full powers for negotiating and signing treaties and agreements
You probably can recall times when a negotiating opponent made what appeared to be a blatant misstatement.
Participants stressed the importance of the existing negotiating mandates and the centrality of agriculture.
It introduces the Babylon 5 space station as the attempted negotiating station between dueling alien factions.
According to introduction, Shell is currently negotiating a number of cooperation projects with Chinese partners.
据介绍, 目前壳牌正与中方就多个合作项目进行谈判。
He was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso.
Beneficiary's credit report issued the negotiating bank must accompany the original set of the shipping documents.

单词 negotiating 释义



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