单词 negotiate 例句大全,用单词negotiate造句:

It is harder to negotiate safe passage with increasingly unpredictable armed groups.
He is authorized to discuss the terms of an order with you and negotiate a contract.
We sincerely welcome domestic and foreign buyers and traders negotiate the purchase.
Richards said the parties to negotiate, and said is no firm closing date to announce.
Last year I represented Freeman, Inc.to negotiate a sale with an Australian customer.
They have agreed to the proposal inprinciple but we still have to negotiate the terms.
Negotiate and accomplish this matter with the department concerned as soon as possible.
They have just arrived to negotiate a formal agreement with us on the boundary question.
After one is found, a renter must negotiate with the landlordthe owner of the apartment.
一旦找到一栋公寓后, 承租者必须与房东议价。
At present, domestic and international travelling merchant busy move and they negotiate.
眼下, 国内外客商正忙着与他们洽谈。
The President wants to squelch any perception that the meeting is an attempt to negotiate.
We'll welcome the businessmen of all countries to negotiate business and develop together.
董事长吕良令热烈欢迎各国客商前来洽谈业务, 共谋发展。
Shanghai Needle Bearing Plant is warmly welcome you to come to negotiate and give your orders.
Despite the deep antipathies between them, the two sides have managed to negotiate an agreement.
Negotiate, without recourse, if the credit is available by negotiation with the confirming bank.
Despite the deep antipathies between them , the two sides have managed to negotiate an agreement.
尽管彼此间有反感情绪, 双方还是通过谈判达成了协议。
It would also find it easier to negotiate an indemnity against capital losses on asset purchases.
它也能更容易谈妥补偿金, 减少购买资产引起的资本流失。
As soon as any contracts are offered you will have to engage a lawyer to negotiate on your behalf.
The form of the indorsement James uses will also affect future attempts to negotiate the instrument.
Hoare managed to negotiate a ceasefire before the aircraft and passengers were caught in the crossfire.
Mr Correa tried to resolve the conflict directly by visiting one police installation in an attempt to negotiate.
to negotiate sth with sb. Mexico had unequal bargaining power when it negotiated the Treaty with the United States.
But the company had also agreed to meet with a group of employee representatives to negotiate a bigger raise in pay.
If its determined that gastric bypass surgery is appropriate for you, you will still have financial hurdles to negotiate.
如果最终确定胃分流术适合你, 你仍然需要最后的努力。
Where required, negotiate with other department managers for the acquisition of required personnel from within the company.
若有需要, 与其他部门经理商量公司内部人员需求事宜。

单词 negotiate 释义

  • 单词释义:v.(与某人)商议,谈判,磋商,,买卖,让渡(支票、债券等),通过,越过  [更多..]



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