单词 nightclub 例句大全,用单词nightclub造句:

She is a famous chanteuse who often sings in the nightclub every friday night.
He quickly collapsed from loss of blood near a nightclub and died later in hospital.
And then we went out dancing at this local nightclub, if you can call it a nightclub.
而后我们去当地一家舞厅跳舞, 如果能称之为舞厅的话。
The nightclub played such great vibes that everyone was up and dancing all night long.
She was arrested by an undercover cop when she tried to score some dope in a nightclub.
the sardonic humor of nightclub comedians who satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience
The round of drinks I bought at the nightclub was a real bargain because it was twoforone!
我在夜总会给每个人买的一轮酒水可真便宜, 买一送一!
A few days later, the sum of abalone are to these friends in a nightclub in porn and alcohol.
以后的几天, 鲍总和这几个朋友都到夜总会里花天酒地。
The snail is part of the ambiance that comes with The Boiler Bar, a forhire traveling nightclub.
蜗牛是氛围, 与锅炉酒吧, 来一部分换租用旅游夜总会。
After I failed my driving test I needed some cheering up so my friends took me out to a nightclub.
The hard, lumpy bed plus the noise from the hotels nightclub kept me awake me even more homesick.
A comedy set in the sixties where two nightclub cabaret entertainers who are best friends run into trouble by having angered and underworld gangster.

单词 nightclub 释义



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