单词 nina 例句大全,用单词nina造句:

Most of my students did very well in the examinations, notably Nina Lee.
我的学生大部分都考得很好, 尤其是李妮娜。
Nina takes Tony's hand to express her gratitude for what he did for her.
尼娜握着托尼的手, 表达了对他的付出的感激之情。
Nina suffers a lot from arthritis. It's really the bane of her existence.
Nina tells him that Jamey has confessed to her participation in the plot.
尼娜告诉他, 杰克已经招认了有份参与这个阴谋。
The Nina will also be a hybrid fitted with a rangeextending petrol engine.
Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow.
Jack demands that Mason arrest Nina because she is working with the Drazens.
Nina tells her that based on the surgical pin they have identified the body.
尼娜告诉杰米, 根据尸体上的矫正钉, 他们确认了尸体的身份。
Nina stays calm, divulges nothing and never lets Mason get the best of her.
It's got mushroom grips, it's got a bell. it's the coolest one they had, nina.
有蘑菇形的车把, 还有个车铃, 它是最漂亮的, 尼娜。
The Great Draught and Waterlogging in Our Courtry with the El nino and La nina
Trying to stop her sister Nina with an Asian flavor. Can you say yellow fever ?
试图阻止有着一种亚洲风味的她的姐妹尼娜, 你能说黄热病?
Nina tips off Jamey about Mason's interrogation, entrusting her not to turn Jack in.
While the White Swan comes easily to Nina, the dark mysteries of the Black Swan evade her.
Eventually, Nina saved up enough money to enroll in a reputable fashion designing institute.
Nina is an editor of a fashion magazine so she spends a lot of time in analyzing the current trends.
And that strapless evening dress at Nina Ricci with the back gaping open to reveal the corset beneath.
Construction Technique of Dam Crack Chemical Casting Construction for Huanghe Nina Water Power Station
Nina took a kind of dark pleasure in being the focus of the tension between her father and her brother.
Enter Nina Akamu, an Oklahoma-born Japanese-American sculptor who had lived and worked in Italy for more than a decade.
Excavation of Clay Rock beside Division Channel of Sluice Gate of Nina Hydropower Station and Protection of Foundation Face

单词 nina 释义

  • 单词释义:National Institute Northern Accelerator 国家北部加速器研究所;Neutron Instruments for Nuclear Analysis 核分析中的中子仪器;No Irish Need Apply 无爱尔兰人必需品  [更多..]



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