单词 license 例句大全,用单词license造句:

The airplane patent holders were not left a choice whether they'd license their patents or not.
飞机专利持有者没有权利选择 是否提供专利许可证
Having custom declare certificate, forklift license or driving license will be much appreciated.
The goods subject to export license administration exported under the item of compensation trade.
Failing to accept the applications for administrative license that meet the statutory requirements.
If he passes therecheck, the license issuance department shall affix its seal to the originallicense.
The alteration application may be lodged in reference to the mode of administrative license application.
In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play Distribution License.
Issuing a coal production license to a coal enterprise which is not qualified for obtaining the license.
I agree to waive the right to claim for any proceeds which may arise out from the License of this Letter.
It is to be not formed so detain, be about to apply for to fill without business license plate do, amerce!
这样是不构成拘留的, 没有营业牌照就要申请补办, 罚款!
The present catalogue of the goods subject to automatic import license administration is attached as behind.
The transport operators shall not transport alcoholic drinks in case the consignor has no transport license.
According to the court, it had been silently agreed that the buyer should not be liable for any license fees.
据法院称, 已默许同意买方不应为任何许可证费承担责任。
Batch of article that whether the house that yourself builds has a government to agree with a license to build?
It shall have obtained the business license as issued by the administrative departments of culture or physical education.
The administrative organ shall make a decision on the administrative license according to the transcripts of the hearing.
The detection and correction of oblique license plate is one of the key technologies in automatic license plate recognition.
When offering exemplary application form of administrative license, the administrative organ shall not charge anything for that.
行政机关提供行政许可申请书格式文本, 不得收费。
In the event of any conflict between this License Agreement and the terms of the Contract, this License Agreement shall prevail.
If the company does not yet accept the annual examination at the expiration of the specified period, its business license shall be revoked
and if the circumstances are serious, the license issue authority shall revoke the license for diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases.
情节严重的, 由发证机关吊销动物诊疗许可证。
Where the store is located for record, go to the administrative department for industry and commerce to lawfully obtain the business license.
Copy of business license of the local host unit is also required. Those who have not been invited should submit financial affidavit for living expense in China.
Burson, a drivers license was held to be an entitlement under state law, and so a state could not suspend a drivers license without a hearing to determine fault in an accident.
因此, 未经听证取消受益会剥夺合格受益人的自由和财产。
If the operating license is lost, an application for reissuing an operating license shall be filed within 15 days after an announcement to annul the original license is placed in the newspaper.
遗失时, 应于登报声明作废后十五日内申请补发。

单词 license 释义



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