单词 literature 例句大全,用单词literature造句:

The bibliographical references to this chapter point to more advanced literature on abstract data types.
On Rhetorical Effects and Translation of Puns in the Works of British Literature and American Literature
Mongolian folk literature is the rich soil that the Mongolian written literature takes root germination.
On the Spreading of the Yue Fu Literature and the Construction of the Conception of the Yue Fu Literature
New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel.
新英格兰习惯于在文学里说教, 可是一味说教, 小说就要完蛋。
Chapter four discusses literature meanings and influences of literature colony of master's homegate in two.
Therefore they became a bridge in the process which Tang literature initially in the abundant transformation.
An Evaluation of the Achievements of the Minority Literature since the New Period from the Angle of Ethnicity
Chinese literature stored by foreign countries has important value of reference for China's academic research.
The research on the aesthetic characteristics of applied literature is still in infancy in the academic world.
The achievements of Tang oral popular literature is the most dazzling. And the participants encompassed a wide range.
唐代口承俗文学的成就是最为耀眼的, 其参与者非常广泛。
These are all proclaimed in the literature of the old Tatar and Kipchak aristocratic strata, meaning ?zbek literature.
Childrens literature produced in Shaanxi province is nonnegligible on the landscape of contemporary childrens literature.
陕西儿童文学在当代儿童文学版图里, 是不可小视的。
Obviously, there had been some achievements of dramatic literature criticism during both Ming and Qing dynasties in Guizhou.
There has been a great achievement in editing and publishing the ancient literature theory teaching materials in the new era.
The Meaning Explanation in the Main Text of the Literature and the Basic Method of Researching the Glossary of the Literature
The confrontation of serious literature and popular literature is an important issue in the development of literature history.
The relationship between popular literature and ideology has always been an important project in the study of popular literature.
The relation between the hongdumen school of classical philology and the shift of literature academicism of the later han dynasty.
In Heilongjiang literature, the literature of immigration of borrowing talent and different generations has become the main stream.
In the last chapter, it is about conscious selection in literature ideology and about diversification in literature theme orientation.
Chen Chen is one of the most important abherent poets of Ming Dynasty and popular literature writers at the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty.
This article mentioned literature during the Eastern Han Dynasty emperor in the history of the Han Dynasty literature plays an important role.
She is accepted as one of folk artists written into the collection of largescale literature annals for Chinese21 century in2005 Chinese folk Art.
The academic circle has been harassed for a long time by the problem of how the modern popular literature could be included in the modern literary history.
如何把现代通俗文学整合进现代文学史, 长期困扰着学界。

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