单词 lest 例句大全,用单词lest造句:

Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse thee, and thou be found guilty.
Assumed by the face wash to wash good, lest you good morning, do not post here the.
假设靠洗面就洗好的话, 生怕你就早好了, 不用在这里发帖了。
I saw the sun sinking gradually, and I got quite alarmed lest we should be benighted.
我看见太阳渐渐地下沉, 我相当惊慌因恐我们会摸黑。
Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
If place fragmentary things, so take when putting, be about to take care, lest awkward.
You may not make an end of them at once, lest the wild beasts grow too numerous for you.
你不可把他们速速灭尽, 恐怕野地的兽多起来害你。
He went over the facts in his mind again and again lest the vital clues should elude him.
他反复思考那些事实, 惟恐漏掉了主要的线索。
Using the isopressure distillation theory author made a lest for distilating the mixtures.
Do not overexert when reaming holes or threading, lest breaking off the reamer or the tap.
Gal. 5 15 But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another.
And, because of all this, my heart is breaking And I fear for my bright cheeks, lest they fade.
Cherish only your young days! If a bud open, gather it Lest you but wait for an empty bough.
Child bedroom wall cannot paste is too beautiful spruce wallpaper, lest discomposure, be agitated.
Additional, do not use strong acid dip to brush, lest bath crock surface becomes coarse, lose luster.
rips labial skin with the hand When the lip is exuvial , do not use hand tear, lest bring about, bleed.
用手撕唇皮当嘴唇蜕皮时, 勿用手撕掉, 以免导致流血。
When fertilization, be sure to keep in mind not to make fat water is aspersed on plant, lest injure blade.
During be being treated as far as possible avoid wine, do not eat excitant food, lest inflammation aggravate.
在治疗期间尽可能忌酒, 不吃刺激性食物, 以免炎症加剧。
It is impossible to let the vacuuming go for too long, lest the bezoars become large enough to choke a tiger.
Want to maintain defecate unobstructed, lest defecate exerts oneself to do sth. when aggravating heart burden.
要保持大便通畅, 以免大便用力时加重心脏负担。
Therefore we ought to give heed more abundantly to the things which have been heard lest perhaps we drift away.
She had to learn and practice day and night without any breathing space, lest she should disappoint her mother.
她不得不日夜不停地苦练, 以免使她的母亲失望。
But I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest perhaps having preached to others, I myself may become disapproved.
我乃是痛击己身, 叫身为奴, 免得我传给别人, 自己反不蒙称许。
Want to take step when climate change is seasonal and big, alternant , precautionCold, lest accentuate illness.
He said yesterday that the wording used for the dissemination of Mao Zedong Thought should accord with reality lest it become untenable.
Belt or chatelaine are not tightened too, lest the blood stream suffocate suffocate under the waist, make heart burden overweight, blood pressure is further heighten.
专家们建议, 高血压病人穿背带裤为好。

单词 lest 释义

  • 单词释义:唯恐;以免;惟恐;生怕  [更多..]



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