单词 less 例句大全,用单词less造句:

Concerning are more or less subject to envy, persons of, are advanced, are less envied.
The tourist industry was coddled by the government and became less and less competitive.
That is to say, less and less of the sea will remain hospitable for calcifying organisms.
换句话说, 适合钙化生物居住的海洋, 会越来越少。
Upon starting work, I gradually became more down to earth, and so daydream less and less.
到了工作时期, 渐渐地变得比较脚踏实地, 编梦的次数也少了。
Brain scans revealed significantly less atrophy of gray matter in the monkeys that ate less.
The less we emit, the less that sum will be of CO0, and, therefore, the less the temperature.
我们排放的越少,二氧化碳总量就越少 温度也就越低
Conditions of service, which were becoming less and less competitive, should also be improved.
Hollow shaft pedal has advantages of less components, compact structure and less failure rate.
空心轴脚蹬零件数少, 结构紧凑, 故障率小。
Talk about the picture. You can say more or less. Say something about the picture more or less.
谈论这幅图, 可多可少。
Allude rich article the fact less and less, the rich article about popular notion is increasing.
On the down side, utilizing this function is somewhat less concise, and considerably less elegant
I have accustomed myself to this state during the week, becoming less and less conscious about it.
这个星期我已经习惯了这种状态, 越来越变得无所谓了。
Fresh water is less buoyant than salt water so less weight is needed to overcome the buoyant force.
Camphor Tree is now less and less of this scarce plants, let us work together to protect this tree bar.
adopted power save , shadow less , flash less ring formed bright fluorescent tube has no bad effect to vision.
采用节能, 无影, 无闪烁环型光亮灯管, 不会影响视力。
Since cremation began to be carried out and burial was abolished, there are less and less graves in the fields.
Thus, the duchy holding manager has less money for salaries, and also gives less to the kingdom holding manager.
The flowers in our house are becoming less and less. That is all because Mother has no time to take care of them.
The difference mattered less two decades ago, when light weight trucks represented less than a fifth of new-car sales.
Compared with cut set analysis, the new method generates less invalid sequences, and has less computational complexity.
There absolute of SAR are less than1, which indicate that the amplitude of shoulder movement is less than abdomen movement.
Household electrical appliance enterprises have such a beautiful idea would rather sell less, no more and no less inventory.
The author finds out that the heavy diaphoretic prescription is very popular in clinic, while the light one is less and less applied.
They are less likely to see a therapist, less likely to be diagnosed with depression, less likely to be taking prescription medication.
不再常去看心理医生 患抑郁症的几率下降 更少生病
While someone may suggest that you eat less and less to reduce your weight, I would assure you that gourmet dining will not increase your weight.

单词 less 释义

  • 单词释义:n.较少,较小;adj.少的,小的;adv.较少地,更小地,不及 ;prep.减去  [更多..]



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