单词 let 例句大全,用单词let造句:

Let Let no man underrate the abiding power of the British Empire and and Commonwealth.
I just stand there and let them rant, just let them argue with you, it's the best way.
Would I let you know if I want to shit, and let you know whether it is smelly or not
But yet let not my wonder terrify thee, and let not my eloquence be burdensome to thee.
Let the whole earth fear the Lord, let the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
愿整个大地敬畏上主, 愿普世居民畏惧上主。
Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace.
他当由人打他的腮颊, 要满受凌辱。
But let the righteous be glad let them exult before God Yes, let them rejoice with gladness.
If so let the child choose a night light and let the child turn it on and off when they want.
Let's look just to begin with, if you brought your books let's look at the cover of this book.
Oh, come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker for He is our God.
喔, 让我们屈膝敬拜主, 因为祂是创造我们的上帝。
Let oneself become a campus cleaner, let oneself become a person who keeps discipline of campus.
让自己成为一名校园清洁工, 让自己成为一名校园守纪者。
Don't let time dilute the wine of friendship. Don't let space out missing. Blessing you, forever!
不让时间冲淡友情酒,不让距离拉开思念手,祝福 永远!
Afford to take the courage, let go is to transcend, to get affordable wisdom, let go of philosophy.
拿得起的勇气, 让我们走的是超越, 拿得起的智慧, 放手哲学。
And let these also first be proved then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.
这等人也要先受试验。若没有可责之处, 然后叫他们作执事。
Let me leave the world. Let me alight, like you, on your western mountain with phoenixes and cranes.
Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.
let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low let the music come alive let s tenderness arrive
Don't let time dilute the wine of our friendship, do not let distance take apart our hands clasped in dreams.
And if a man has sex relations with a beast, let him be put to death, and let the beast be put to destruction.
Boiling Atlantic! Let my heart blossom as the mien of hurricane, and let my heart sing as the sound of tsunami
To take on anything, one must first be able to let go. One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in peace.
Now, a root cause analysis, in healthcare, usually says, well, let's look at your genes, let's look at how you're behaving.
THE VOICE OF IOKANAAN Let the captains of the hosts pierce her with their swords, let them crush her beneath their shields.
Can let the satellite ascend the sky is the talented person, can let the nightstool water leakage also is not the talented person.
We held this seminar for screen works under the direction of the principle"let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thoughts strive".

单词 let 释义

  • 单词释义:允许;许可;让;要;假设;出租  [更多..]



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