单词 letter 例句大全,用单词letter造句:

I was absent from home when your letter arrived, or I should, have replied immediately.
I came up with this letter. This is a letter of the alphabet that's been folded just once.
On Qualities of the Party from the Correction of the Letter in Feb. By the Letter in Sept.
Await a postman to send a letter the angst that come and the joyance after receiving a letter.
Each letter should contain the request to ignore this letter if payment has already been sent.
Linguistically, the inner development of Chinese makes an internal force to absorb letter words.
We applying accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit abundance times t shipping documents.
The next letter I'm really looking forward to receiving is the admission letter from University.
We are unable to travel on Saturday letter will follow. Unable travel saturday letter following.
我们无法于星期六成行, 详情将函告。
I have a letter from President George W. Bush that I received in response to a letter I wrote to him.
We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable one abundance times t shipping documents.
Study of the Legal Relationship between the Letter of Credit Issuing Bank and Letter of Credit Applicant
Attribute names start with a lowercase letter, while element and type names start with an uppercase letter.
属性名以小写字母打头, 而元素和类型名称以大写字母打头。
Provides financing tools, the consultation and the service andon letter of credit, letter of guarantee, bill.
We would remind you that the offer made in our last letter is valid for one month from the date of the letter.
I can't agree with the letter writer who claims bringing back the death penalty would be an abuse of human rights.
Then pass a letter to him, treated him to burn letter to throw to hurtle in the toilet after readinging the letter.
然后递给他一封信, 待他看完信后将信烧了扔在马桶里冲掉。
Symbols use the 126 ASCII characters, and letters with diacritical or accent marks are treated as their base letter.
So some scholars have suggested that maybe the letter to the Ephesians was originally intended as a circular letter.
After registration confirmation, you can choose print confirmation letter or save confirmation letter to your computer.
保养服务登记成功后会有一封确认信, 请选择列印及存档。
Weeks later, a check arrived from Dubai for the landlady and a letter for Zoe, obviously written by a professional letter writer.
The Structure of a Business Letter A well constructed business letter in English is usually made up of the following seven parts.
The correspondence namely is letter that ancient people thanked each other, and it is another name, calling refined of the letter.
After reading the letter, my heart throbbed with excitement. B. After reading the letter, I felt my heart throbbing with excitement.
If the prison discovers that the contents of a letter present a hindrance to the reform of the prisoner, the prison may detain the letter.

单词 letter 释义

  • 单词释义:信;证书,许可证;字母,文字;字面意义  [更多..]



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