单词 lengthwise 例句大全,用单词lengthwise造句:

a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese
一种大型三明治, 由纵长的硬壳香蕉船做成, 夹肉和干酪
To fold the fabric along the lengthwise grain, fold the fabric in half and align the selvages.
布边对齐, 沿直丝绺将面料对折。
Julienne stewed beef. Rinse the baby bok choy in stalks, then cut lengthwise into long strips.
Simulation and Restoration Study on Radiant Degradation Image Under Lengthwise Relative Motion
Experiment Study on Sediment Distribution Regularity Along the Border Lengthwise of Irrigation Field.
Sueding rollers cross reciprocally and move in the axial direction to minimize the lengthwise streaky.
The fabric may be folded along the lengthwise grain or the crosswise grain, or formed into a gate fold.
面料可沿直丝绺折叠, 或沿横丝绺折叠, 或门式折叠。
Then, youre gonna fold it in half once, lengthwise, lining up the edges, and really pressing down the seam.
然后, 你要把它沿纵向对折, 边缘对齐, 并压平接缝。
The requirements and measures of lengthwise development for ceramic enterprises were expounded in this paper.
The controlling method for the lengthwise oil streaking and oil spot of the large diameter circular knitting machine
大圆机油针, 油点的控制方法
The yarns running in the lengthwise direction are called warp yarns and the yarns running crosswise are called weft.

单词 lengthwise 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.<美>=lengthways  [更多..]



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