单词 lift 例句大全,用单词lift造句:

He can only remain weak and abject and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts.
When both are raised, overall lift fall and drag increases, so the aircraft descends.
当两边的扰流片都扬起时, 升力就会下降, 阻力增加, 飞机下降。
Then shalt thou abound in delights in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face to God.
那时你必以全能者为喜乐, 向天主仰起你的头来。
The High Sparrow had been adamant, and Ser Kevan refused to lift a finger against him.
大麻雀态度强硬, 而凯冯爵士不愿举起哪怕一根指头忤逆他。
Lift the rear wiper arm to raise the wiper blade and element off of the rear lift glass.
But the mineral wealth of Africa is not being utilized to lift its people out of poverty.
但是非洲的矿产没有被用来 使她的人民摆脱贫穷。
Flaps provide additional lift and stability to the aircraft when operating at slow speeds.
The main momentum transfer mechanisms are via drag, lift, and acceleration reaction forces.
Calculate the lift and drag over simple aerodynamic shapes in compressible, inviscid flows.
However, I can lift a countless pebbles, the accumulation of National Cheng Kung University.
但我能搬起无数的小石子, 积累成大。
The rotor blades work like the wings of an aeroplane, with an aerofoil shape providing lift.
Otherwise, use air purifiers and natural aromatherapies to lift spirits and freshen the air.
Experimental research to increase horizonal axis wind turbine blade airfoil lift coefficient
There is a restriction on the number of passengers foreign airlines can lift from the island.
The playground is accessible theon Salisbury Road, Middle Road or the lift at the west entrance.
Study of high aerodynamic lift mechanics of hovering insect flapping wing at low Reynolds number
A Research on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Small Aspect Ratio, High Lift Fighter Configuration
The Application of Tip Truck Lift Machine Computational Analysis Systen Software in Lift Machine Design
The unique aim of aerodynamic designer is always to enhance lift coefficient and reduce drag coefficient.
Daniel had to wear shoes with a lift in them and stacked heels for a few scenes, actress Gemma Arterton said.
为挽救邦德在片中的形象, 克雷格有时不得不穿厚跟鞋。
Still iron is made, iron is accumulated very easily to corrode by acerbity bedding face, lift coating thereby.
还有铁制造的, 铁很轻易被酸大面积腐蚀, 从而把涂层掀起。
Lateral force and lift force changes are mainly affected by pressure pulse generated when the train passing each other.
The performance design of an air cushion lift in an air duct is one of the key problems in designing an aerofoil vehicle.
Lift after, extend after the leg namely, exercise muscle of rope of country of musculus glutaeus maximus, month group etc.
The procedure to determine dynamical decoupling of active lift control law is alsogiven for an aircraft with canards configuration.

单词 lift 释义

  • 单词释义:提;移动;抬起;撤销;情绪高涨;消散;偷窃;空运;挖出;提高  [更多..]



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