单词 limp 例句大全,用单词limp造句:

Can rhinitis make the person feels all over is aching and limp faint ?
Tom was strikingly different the next dayquiet, limp, calm like honey.
汤姆的状态显著与前天不同安静, 无力, 像蜂蜜一样平静。
If you get me any more relaxed, I'm going to be like a limp dishrag here.
This piece of card has got wet and gone limp. Light has fogged this film.
Like a lame mans legs that hang limp is a proverb in the mouth of a fool.
He stared emptily at the floor, his arms hanging limp, his mouth slacking.
She offered little posies of limp flowers to customers for a penny a time.
This song seems a limp, two-finger exercise compared with his former works.
With her limp and slow, clumsy reactions, she would surely hold up her team.
由于她蹩脚, 缓慢, 笨手笨脚的反应, 她肯定会拖慢她的队伍。
After fasting for three days, the fever abated and he felt as limp as taffy.
He developed a limp, the result of leukemia pressing down on his spinal cord.
It would always limp. It would always be lame. The little boy became excited.
店主解释说, 兽医给那只小狗做了检查, 它将一直瘸着。
The pain increases as you continue running and will typically cause you to limp.
如果继续跑, 您的疼痛加剧, 通常会导致您跛行。
Dogs sometimes come to the vet for a limp and leave with a lung cancer diagnosis.
有时, 狗狗因为跛行而去看兽医, 结果诊断却是肺癌。
This book seems a limp, twofinger exercise compared with his former publications.
此书和他以前的作品相比似乎很差劲, 他没有全力下功夫。
Afflicted with a limp and three years his senior, she was nonetheless a soul mate.
Frail from hunger and cold, the dying white kitten lies limp in the monkey''s arms.
His limp wings are filthy gray, his features drawn and gaunt, and his eyes yellowed.
Frail from hunger and cold, the dying white kitten lies limp in the monkey'' s arms.
To confess the truth, I began to feel dizzy and then I got palpitations and felt limp.
A new centralized control strategy for limp home function of engine is brought forward.
He was so fagged out that his limBs were limp and his tongue and throat parched with thirst.
How ungrateful then that, as the talks limp towards collapse, accusing fingers are being pointed at America.
Hung upside down, they turn limp, resigned to their fate except for the occasional mild jab at their captors hand.
除了在捕猎者的手中偶尔挣扎一下外, 它们听天由命。
He found it damp to the touch, and thinking it was blood, was so shocked his heart stood still and his legs went limp.

单词 limp 释义

  • 单词释义:跛行;挣扎着慢慢前进;(诗的)韵律紊乱  [更多..]



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