单词 literary 例句大全,用单词literary造句:

The argument concerning hongdumen academy and the literary concept of the literati group in late han.
Suffice it to say that Gu Kuang is the advocator of a literary style and his work has profound meaning.
可以说, 顾况是一代文风之开启者, 具有深远意义。
Aesthetic Expectations of the Poetry Community of Baiyangdian from the Perspective of Literary Geography
Literary Creation in the Early Jian An Period and the Emotional Experience of Scholars in literary ideas
Aesthetic Expectations of the Poetry Community of Baiyangdian from the Perspective of Literary Geography.
This thesis attempts to study the literary achievements of Zuozhuan from its descriptive writings on wars.
Literary men advanced the art of Novel through the development of poems in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Life is the only source of literary creation, repeating is the technique in literary creation given by life.
生活是创作的唯一源泉, 复沓正是生活赐与文学创作的技巧。
For a man of literary talents, he may adopt a unique strategy that differentiates from that of ordinary people.
The classic of religion focuses on truth, focuses on accuracy, rather than focusing on rhetoric literary talent.
Literary Aesthetic Characteristics Comparison between Emperor Wen and Yang, Southern and Northern or Sui Dynasty
As a method of literary criticism, Ethical Literary Criticism could be traced back to the time of ancient Greek.
Liu Xie, a Chinese literary critic, was the author of WEN XIN DIAO LONG, a comprehensive work on literary theory.
The formation of his artistic beauty was related with his special concept of literary theory and aesthetic tropism.
Talking about Fan ye's orientation of thinking and writing from literary achievements of The book of later Han Dynasty
On the heterogeneous behavior of chuangzao she the creation literary society in accepting the influence of aestheticism
The Relationships Between the Issues for Literary Criticisms of Liang Shiqiu and the Regeneration of New Literary System
It focuses on the standard of literary canon. different scholars have their different understandings about literary canon.
The powerful and free school and the subtle and the concise school are two basic styles in the literary aesthetic expression.
Dining while Admiring Flowers and Fishing in the Court of the Northern Song Dynasty and its Political and Literary Significance
An Initial Study of the Causes for the Formation of Aesthetic Imagery in the Literary Commentaries of the Wei, Jin and South and North Dynasties
The Huang Taiji Period was the important stage that the Qing Dynasty political power turned from armed administration to literary administration.
The Division of Confucian Classics and Confucian Academics and the Double Nature of Literary Theoretical Discourse in Han Dynasty Confucian Classics
Wildcat and carmen,whose individualities and living communities of different social eras,were two similar but absolutely not equivalent literary images.
The academic circle has been harassed for a long time by the problem of how the modern popular literature could be included in the modern literary history.
如何把现代通俗文学整合进现代文学史, 长期困扰着学界。

单词 literary 释义

  • 单词释义:文学的;适于文学作品的;爱好文学的;书面的  [更多..]



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