单词 pathos 例句大全,用单词pathos造句:

Pathos appears obviously as part of what you just saw in that little girl's drawing.
情感就是 你刚刚看到小女孩画的一部分
The head Sublime, the heart Pathos, the genitals Beauty, the hands and feet Proportion.
So, the flipside of loss or pathos can be a freshness of vision or a change of perspective.
I knew of the pathos of God.I knew Gods response of delight and of his response of displeasure.
我知道神的深情, 我知道他喜悦时的反应, 不悦时的反应。
Cao Xueqin together with the heroes in the story could be regarded as cultural ones with full pathos.
Gloomy colour and profound pathos Discussion on inherent significance in the three major tragedy of Cao Yu

单词 pathos 释义

  • 单词释义:悲怆,哀婉,凄楚,伤感;痛苦;同情  [更多..]



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