单词 pants 例句大全,用单词pants造句:

I said that the beverage is three long pants, they categorically said no.
我说的是裤长三尺三, 人家斩钉截铁地说没有。
Let every man who pants for fame select his own style of pants and go ahead.
The new roller coaster ride at the amusement park frightened the pants off me.
To the shop to buy sports pants, the first time that time is a luxury accessory.
到了买运动裤的店, 第一次发现时间就是奢侈的帮凶。
Under tight pants pants or pitched render, fashion and elegant and perfect show!
Baby products, socks, inner wear, camisoles and altered pants cannot be exchanged.
Note the lighter face markings on the cheeks and the lighter shading on the pants.
The Establishment Of Pants Type Structure And The Affirmation Of Crotch Curve Length
The large number is on the back the competition vest the small on theside the pants.
大的贴在运动背心的背部, 小的在短裤的左侧。
If in the bully me, and I will write your name in the pants, with you fart collapse.
要是在欺负我, 我就把你的名字写在内裤上, 用屁崩你。
Of course, as a princess of Austria, she was Francy pants, to be extremely beautiful.
The sharp rocks cut through his pants legs till his knees were scratched and Bleeding.
He is wearing a sheer white cotton shirt and tight black pants accented with a black belt.
Wearing short pants and having a lowcut blouse make Miss Lee a teenager ahead of her time.
穿短裤和低胸衣, 使李小姐成为新时代的少女。
Washing pants should pay attention to the most dirty place is pants, you have to more careful.
Double chainstitching applicable to knitied goods in general, loomed fabrics, shitrs, and pants.
双链缝适用于一般针织品,织布 ,裤压线针。
With both sides of the front of the cutter to cut into appropriate size, easy pants sewing ears.
本机前附有两侧切刀, 用以修剪成适当尺寸, 方便裤耳车缝。
The large bib is on the back of the competition vest and the small on the left side of the pants.
Who wants to think of a guy in leather pants beating grandmas cadaver with a whip and a dog chain.
She was wearing a pair of black riding pants, a white turtle neck sweater and a black tight jacket.
她身穿白色高领毛衫, 黑色紧身夹克, 黑色骑马裤。
There is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 20year old waitress.
This can be readily achieved by carrying cellphones in the pants pockets or on a belt or purse holster.
the attraction of lint and fibers to shoes and pants legs, and the attraction of dirt and soil to cloth.
Silently I put the pants in the wastebasket, gave her mine, and we returned to the table--both terrified by her incontinence.
Men were dressed in feather fedoras, greenish black bandcollared shirts, bib pants, stockings and frizzled leather shoes.

单词 pants 释义

  • 单词释义:<英>(紧身的)短裤;<美> 裤子;喘气( pant的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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