Therefore, education is not a panacea, So do not require too much on education.
Friendship, then, may be said to be the panacea for the wounds of relationship.
There is no easy panacea that will solve our complicated international situation.
Gurgur, Tugrul, and Anwar Shah Localization and Corruption Panacea or Pandoras box
But at least we should not just assume that exchange rate adjustments are the panacea.
He said that though this was no panacea, it would definitely be the right thing to do.
Obviously, the collection of personal income tax is seen as a panacea against real estate speculation.
很明显, 征收个人所得税被看作是打击房地产投机的良方。
He was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar, but it was no panacea for the ill which affected him.
他抽了支上等雪茄, 模模糊糊地感到心里好受了一些。
Should be recognized that another competent person, nor is it a panacea, the Prime Minister is no exception.
应该承认, 个人再能干, 也不是万能的, 总理也不例外。
Renting a good or happy film is always a good idea. Laughter is a very good panacea for all kinds of illness!
Cai Qi said the government decisionmaking is a panacea for the public, will more in line with the actual decisionmaking.
蔡奇称, 政府决策公开是一剂良药, 将使决策更符合实际。