单词 paratyphoid 例句大全,用单词paratyphoid造句:

Conclusion The ultrasonic image features of abdomen can help to give early diagnosis of paratyphoid A.
The healing effect observation of curing bovine Paratyphoid diarrhea with decoction of spleen and Qi tonic
Clinical Analysis of 112 Cases of Paratyphoid Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined Western Medicine
Objective To analyze and summarize the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of paratyphoid fever A.
Comparison of therapeutic effects between domestic and imported ofloxacin in treating typhoid and paratyphoid fever
Being used in typhoid, paratyphoid with dark urine, pain in gonorrhea, edema scanty urine, and lack of mothers milk.
用于湿温尿赤, 淋病涩痛, 水肿尿少, 乳汁不下。
Clinical study on the efficacy and safety of the levofloxacin used to treat the patients with typhoid fever or paratyphoid fever.
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristic of Paratyphoid fever A infection, and enhance the diagnosis and treatment effects.
目的探讨甲型副伤寒沙门菌的临床特点, 以提高诊治水平。
Effect of Peptone on the Nembers of Bacteria in Culture Fluid and Living Bacteria Rate after Lyophilizing of Living Paratyphoid Vaccine for Piglet

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