单词 pattern 例句大全,用单词pattern造句:

Study on the Structure and Spatial Pattern of the Endangered Plant Population of Abies yuanbaoshanensis
The accelerant pattern on the bottom of Luke's shoes, various petroleum distillate, including toluene ?
鞋底助燃剂得痕迹是一些石油淋馏出液, 包括甲苯?
According to the chart pattern can produce lift2 meters long, according to size bearing outer diameter.
Improvisation was found to be accompanied by a dissociated pattern of activity in the prefrontal cortex.
Usually the nasal and upper labial congestion are adaptive adjustments to the abnormal breathing pattern.
A composed pattern captures the usage pattern of applying the component patterns and associated artifacts.
This clustering pattern is consistent with their distribution pattern in different mountains on the whole.
In the samples, request abort the assorted pattern, specification and package can be indicated particularly.
如果需要不同的花色, 规格, 包装, 可以特别说明。
Pattern Comparison of The Setting Body of Accounting Standards and the Analysis of International Convergence
Guest pattern plate and dress up, basically be to accomplish individuation, delicate change, classical change.
客模板与装扮, 主要是做到个性化, 精致化, 经典化。
The pattern structures of school running are like the system of pattern structures of three concentric circles.
You can achieve interesting results by drawing a pattern, coloring some regions and then erasing the pattern lines.
Department of white color decorated shoulder overlapping circle chord pattern, ear ornaments following string pattern.
With regard to the provisions of the consequences accompanying the main approach is a qualified foreign criminal pattern.
And that pattern, the architecture of that pattern on its skin denticles keep bacteria from being able to land and adhere.
而其结构 富含锯齿状物 让细菌无处无处着生
Research on the Development Pattern to the Transfixion of Academic and Vocational Education in China Adult Higher Education
Study on the Distribution Pattern of Arboreal Species Abundance of Mountainous Rain Forest in Dawei Mountains, Yunnan, China
In the fourth part, the author analyses the pattern of suspension and quantity of crime pattern in unilateral accessory crime.
Head and Shoulders Pattern Chart Chart pattern resembling the head and shoulders of a person. Signals the reversal of a trend.
A Change in the Conception of Modern Training Pattern and A Probe into Creative Training Pattern of Administrators in Government
A generalized formula of the third order electrical deflection aberration coefficients and their relation with the raster pattern
Application of the Statistical Method to Forecasting the Regular Pattern of Beachland Accretion and the Effect of Accelerative Silting
The ancient Chinese writing applies a holistic borrowing pattern, while Egyptian hieroglyphic applies an analytical borrowing pattern.
古汉字使用整体性音借方式, 而圣书字使用分析性音借方式。
The value of pulmonary venous flow pattern in essential hypertensive insufficiency when mitral flow pattern showed pseudonormalization
My knowledge, skills and memories are embedded in a vast pattern of neurotransmitter concentrations and interneuronal connections and can not be quickly accessed or transmitted.

单词 pattern 释义

  • 单词释义:模式;范例;图案;模型;样品  [更多..]



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