单词 pawn 例句大全,用单词pawn造句:

BE established mortgage on the legal right or pawn guarantee of legal right.
Black must blocade the Pawn dooming the Black Rooks to a passive defensive role.
黑必须阻挡此兵, 决定了黑车的可怜的防守角色。
This kind of program makes discharge of a few websites is overweighted and pawn.
Probe into pawn ticket of De An pawnshop in Shanghai at the late of Qing Dynasty
Why did you go to the pawnshop? Did you steal something and go there to pawn it?
I showed him the pawn ticket and he eyed the pitifully small sum scratched on it.
把当票给他, 他瞧着那样少的数目
Under his breath, the worker said he was going to pawn it at the end of the day.
A chess game being manipulated, pawn it is wrong to have any complaints about the.
一盘被操纵的棋局, 棋子是不该有任何怨言的。
The Slovaks, who had been used as a pawn by Germany, obtained a precarious autonomy.
Notice on Carrying out the Coding Administration for the Licenses for Pawn Operations
Diagram 1 shows us Black to move. The Pawn can advance out of danger from the Bishop.
FuCha for father, prince of wu zixu avenged in next day and night frequently adjuvant pawn.
吴王夫差为父报仇, 在伍子胥的辅佐下日夜勤兵。
Article declining birthrate hit, bit Zhongsantaifu, pawn, grant East Yu prefectural governor.
That paprika certainly still has his most fundamental function is to pawn quelite right away.
Reportedly, the property pawn in hock OK pawning operations occupy a considerable proportion.
据悉, 目前房地产典当在典当行典当业务中占据相当大比重。
What no one in the galaxy knew was that the Trade Federation was but a pawn in a much larger game.
Pawn ministry is traumatic the ability when causing cerebrum to be damaged badly may be caused gawkish.
Countries and so on Germany, Switzerland, date believed the rent is the pawn generation of position thing.
As aspect of legislative model, considering unique characteristic of pawn, we should adopt separate legislation.
Encourages the warehouse receipt to pawn, the goods power to pawn financing, development supply chain financing.
Realizing that he didnt have enough money and not wanting to borrow from his father, he decided to pawn his watch.
知道他自己钱不够, 又不想向他父亲借, 他决定把表当了。
This article believes that the deep development of the pawn broking is one of efficient paths to this financial difficult problem.

单词 pawn 释义

  • 单词释义:典当,抵押物;(国际象棋中的)兵,卒;<比喻>爪牙;人质  [更多..]



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