单词 parsley 例句大全,用单词parsley造句:

Parsley and arugula from the Levant took well, as did red spinach from India.
McKeith said chewing the parsley after meals is a good way to freshen breath.
Put it into a pot with an onion, a couple of carrots and a few parsley stalks.
Blend garlic, chinese parsley root, mint leaves, chilli padi into a fine paste
把蒜末, 小辣椒, 芫荽根, 薄荷叶用机器打成泥后
Serve in individual serving bowls and sprinkle the rest of the parsley on top.
Brown sauce with sauteed chopped onions and parsley and dry white wine or vinegar.
Parsley Root is an effective diuretic, helping the body get rid of excess water.
Roughly chop greens along with leaves of a half bunch parsley and a bunch tarragon.
Red Wine Braised Beef Cheeks with Carrots, Mushrooms, Fresh Bay and Parsley Potatoes
Pour in cream, add in chopped parsley, peas and red bell pepper, simmer for1 minute.
Turn off the heat, sprinkle the parsley, place in the centre of the plate and serve.
洒上切碎的西欧芹, 摆入盘子中间, 上桌。
Place the rice in a serving bowl. Add the parsley and asparagus and stir to mix well.
将米饭放入饭碗中, 加入香菜及芦笋适当搅拌均匀。
Experts recommend adding a couple pinches of minced fresh parsley to your dishes daily.
Salad of baby octopus with celery julienne, fresh parsley in lemon and saffron dressing
Herb Usage ChartSoups chervil, garlic, marjoram, mint, parsley, rosemary, savory, tarra.
真系唔该哂, 香草, 真系唔少野。
Add salt, pepper and half of the chopped parsley. Remove from heat and stir in fresh cream.
Learn how to properly chop parsley for a braided mushroom sauce in this free recipe video clip.
In a pan, under high heat, add in butter, onion, garlic and Italian parsley, saute for2 minutes.
Remove any surplus fat from the top of the soup, then serve hot, sprinkled with chopped parsley.
打去汤表面多余得浮油, 撒上番茜碎。
Remove the onion and garlic cloves from the pot, and add the remaining ingredients except the parsley.
Chuguo Flip it on the plate after the and scatter points, green onion or parsley, you can and serve the!
出锅翻转的盘子后, 撒点葱花或香菜, 就可以和服务!
A biennial European plant in the parsley family,having edible roots,leafstalks,leaves,and fruits.
Spoon the sauce over the Halibut steak. Garnish with sprigs of parsley, chervil, basil and serve with cooked rice.
Gravel root, parsley root and marshmallow root have been used historically for supporting normal fluid elimination.
Because of its diuretic properties, Parsley Root lowers blood pressure, reduce the heart rate and relieve hypertension.

单词 parsley 释义

  • 单词释义:[植]西芹,欧芹;洋芫荽  [更多..]



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