单词 per 例句大全,用单词per造句:

The Lactic Acid Bacillus to The ABsolutely Early Influence of Per formance that The Piqlet Grows
Room rate RMB15 per bed in the lobby RMB25 per bed on the2 nd and1 rd floor Breakfast not included.
Let's say the productivity of biofuel plantations is 1, 198 litres of biofuel per hectare per year.
假设生物能源作物的产量为 每公顷每年1200升
Those are lines of equal power consumption per unit area, which I measure in watts per square meter.
他们代表相同的单位面积耗能 单位是瓦特每平方米
Your order for worsted flannel is acceptable provided you agree to the miniumum of 300 yards per shade.
Late homework will be accepted the following day, but will be charged a1 point per problem late penalty.
Okay? A hundred dollars per capita, per person, is something that any state government can afford to do.
每人平均一百美元 這是每個國家都能夠負擔得起的
However, the per capita grassland is only0.33 hectares, only one half of the per capita area in the whole.
Water solution containing 200 grammes per litre of chromic acid and 13 grammes per litre of sodium sulphate.
The more the poplar of per unit area absorbed liquid, the more its surface free energy hail in the same time.
It is better to post once per week on a consistent basis than once per day and then nothing for a week after.
This paper presented the direct computation method of slot leakage permeance per unit per phase for AC wingings.
Exports were up 66 per cent in the first half after rising 132 per cent in 1998, according to official statistics.
But the expectation is that the economy can continue its long-term expansion rate of around five per cent per year.
Unemployment was 8.7 per cent in February, 1999 and remained at around 6.2 per cent through the middle of the year.
The velocity of a projectile can be accelerated to a few kilometers per second by the new concept kinetic energy weapons.
One or two children per week are dying of leukemia in a Minsk hospital, compared to one or two per year before the accident.
In the first quarter of this year, growth was 4.6 per cent year-on-year, followed by a 9.5 per cent growth in the second quarter.
With the increasing of irrigation times in spring, the spike number per hectare, grain number per spike, 998 grains weight increased.
Finally,these changes lead to the bald degree of ears reduced,the grain number and weight per ear increased,and grain output per mu raised.
Participants taking 1,200 mg of calcium daily found their symptoms diminished by 48 per cent, compared with 30 per cent in the place-bo group.
Subjects in one of four calcium subgroups noted a 54 per cent reduction in aches and pains, while the placebo group had a 15 per cent increase.
And the price of the standard room is 77.44 dollars per night, deluex room is 96.80 dollars per night,and the suite is 193.59 dollars per night.?
About 20 per cent of Finnish households have also given up on using a landline--extraordinary growth from the five per cent who were mobile phone-only users a year ago.
Foreign investment reached $ US 988 million in June this year, up 49 per cent from 1998. Provisional numbers for July put foreign investment at $ US 2.08 billion, up 68 per cent from a year ago.

单词 per 释义

  • 单词释义:由;(表示根据)依照;(表示比率)(尤指数量,价格,时间)每  [更多..]



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