单词 permit 例句大全,用单词permit造句:

Most agencies operate under statutory schemes that permit them to issue legislative rules.
Possessing a speed blades gap adjusting device, permit to adjust steplessly the blades gap.
I agree to abide by MCMIA's rules and regulations and permit MCMIA to announce my membership.
Certainly, if the condition does not permit, may also adopt other means to cope with moistly.
Insurance mutual funds would permit people to diversify individual and share aggregate risks.
保险共同基金让人们能够分散个人风险, 共担总体风险。
Battleship radar sets permit accurate night bombardment of enemy ships or shore installations.
You should submit your application for an entry permit through one of the authorised airlines.
Copy of records in connection with applications for visa, entry permit andor extension of stay
What punishment will people receive if they refuse to apply for a temporary residence permit ?
Some people have the ability to dominate a conversation and do not permit other people to talk.
有些人能驾驭会谈, 不让其他人发言。
The permIt'shall be subject to additional conditions recommended by the Commissioner of Police.
I would be also very calm, the business origin of affection permit can not the half be some force.
Because You will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor will you permit Your Holy One to see corruption.
The author maintains that the appeal does not permit genuine review of the conviction and sentence.
where the circumstances are serious, the original permit issuing authority shall revoke the mining permit.
情节严重的, 由原发证机关吊销采矿许可证。
The format of the tax inspection permit shall be formulated uniformly by the State Administration of Taxation.
Director of Environmental Protection issues permit in accordance with a relevant statutory Technical Memorandum.
The immaculately drawn images and historical accuracy permit the artist to move into the realm of the improbable.
精细的刻画, 准确的历史细节使画家徜徉于虚幻的国度。
If It does not ga tea guarantee that emigration an immigration officer will permit permit you to enter the country.
The face appears the dye to sink to accumulate to call of spot, seriously the beauty that influence faces to permit.
Distributor shall permit examination by the producer at any time of such accounts and any contracts with his retailers.
The coordinate couplet also is one of the main antithetical forms of couplet, while the couplet does not permit Hezhang.
The actual time of sick leave of the employee must be verified by the signature of the direct supervisor on the leave permit.
To see whether they had been made docile by his ambitious displays and would permit him to amuse himself with such innovations.
The opportunity to fly a MiG is possible because Russia is starved for cash, and local aviation laws permit guest pilots to fly military aircraft.

单词 permit 释义

  • 单词释义:允许;使有可能;破例做  [更多..]



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