单词 persuasion 例句大全,用单词persuasion造句:

Getting anywhere with her economic platform will require the gift of persuasion.
After a not relaxed persuasion, that audience returned to the stand mat finally.
So if that's the case, that's difficult, because persuasion is really difficult.
如果这是问题所在,很麻烦 因为很难说服人们。
The final push by Mr. Obama amounts to a critical test of his powers of persuasion.
奥巴马的最后一博, 是对其说服能力的关键考验。
Worldwide Tobacco Control and Persuasion Activity of Multinational Tobacco Companies
All attempts at persuasion could not bring him to approve of his daughter's marriage.
Persuasion and not force must be used in dealing with contradictions among the people
The Functions of Trial, the Burden of Persuasion, and Case Closed with Matter Resolved
By using persuasion in combination with threats, she achieved great political success.
她采取利诱和威胁并用的方式, 获得了政治上的巨大成功。
Of the modes of persuasion some belong strictly to the art of rhetoric and some do not.
在说服性论证中, 有些完全属于修辞学, 有些则不然。
Caffeine increases persuasion through instigating systematic processing of the message.
They will do so through the vote and the persuasion of other permanent Council members.
In the biggest persuasion, he finally decided to stay and little brother business together.
在大志的劝说下, 小志最终决议留下与哥哥一同创业。
After nearly two hours of police persuasion, to appease the man basic emotional stability.
The persuasion effect when people are distracted it increases the persuasiveness of a message.
Make noise or disturb or induce others to vote or not to vote, and do not obey the persuasion.
在场喧嚷或干扰劝诱他人投票或不投票, 不服制止者。
But it was not just in the ecclesiastical sphere that those of Reformed persuasion took action.
但它不仅是在教会, 这些领域的改革劝说采取行动。
Bernays began to create many of the techniques of mass consumer persuasion that we now live with.
It was after persuasion that the buyer finally to accept the goods at a discount the quoted price.
经过反复劝说, 买方最后才同意按报价打九折收下货物。
A lot of persuasion, a lot of wonderful collaboration with other people, and bit by bit, it worked.
通过大量劝说 与他人通力合作 逐渐 它走上正轨
On persuasion and identification A comparative study of Aristotles rhetoric and Burkes new rhetoric
Organizations in society actively participate and help in reforming criminals through education and persuasion.
Result Orientation, self motivated, enthusiastic, energetic with outstanding negotiation and persuasion skills.
出色的问题解决能力, 乐观, 杰出的谈判和说服能力
Our attitude towards any person who has made mistakes should be one of persuasion in order to help him change and start afresh.
对待犯错误者应采取规劝态度, 使之幡然改进, 弃旧图新。
Despite his influential position, it took a lot of persuasion to get prison managers to allow 100 inmates to meditate without being shackled together.

单词 persuasion 释义

  • 单词释义:劝说,说服(力);信仰  [更多..]



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