单词 peshawar 例句大全,用单词peshawar造句:

American shot dead in Pakistans frontier Peshawar.
And one day, I tell you, one day I was in the office in Peshawar, Pakistan.
有一天 当我在巴基斯坦白沙瓦的办公室里
On Tuesday, a bomb exploded outside a Peshawar hotel, causing several casualties.
I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express.
The police chief says security forces are focusing on the town of Bara, which borders Peshawar.
警察总监说, 安全部队正集中清剿靠近白沙瓦的巴拉镇。
The talks came hours after a suicide car bomber attack in Peshawar where at least 12 people died.
会谈召开之前, 白沙瓦一起汽车爆炸事件造成至少12人死亡。

单词 peshawar 释义

  • 单词释义: 白沙瓦[巴基斯坦北部城市]  [更多..]



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