单词 picked 例句大全,用单词picked造句:

When the citrus is ready to be picked. Each piece of fruit is hand picked.
果实成熟后, 每个柑桔均手工采摘。
These just-picked sweet peaches picked will be processed into fruit juice.
He intentionally or by chance picked out extra ordinarily abnormal species.
He says, You see, when she said, 'Good morning, 'I picked up her Fife accent.
当她说你好的时候 我听出她的法夫口音
She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive Keynote Address to the Conference.
When people were asked name the man they most admire, 10 percent picked Bush.
The book was so old that when I picked it up, it just came apart in my hands.
那本书太旧了, 所以当我拣起时, 它就在我手中散开了。
The writer's personal appearance picked up the sales of the book considerably.
When I first picked up the paper, I dont know if I agreed that it was an issue.
第一次看那篇论文的时候, 我不知道那算不算个问题。
Pick up the stick. Ah! Stick picked. Three, tickle the ribs with the stick.
He and the other alleged accomplices were picked up by police at 1pm on Friday.
At the meeting everybody picked apart Peter because he had beaten a little boy.
在会上, 大家都严厉地批评彼得, 因为他打了一个小男孩。
In this edition, we picked a new actress, Holly Wong, have an interview with us.
这一次, 本网找来新演员王学琳接受访问。
But I picked it up and I started reading it and I thought, this book is amazing.
She ranks first achievement integratedly to be picked with network, message laurel.
A particular peak or trough of the waveform can be picked to this accuracy, perhaps.
A particular peak or trough of the waveform can be picked to this accuracy, perhaps.
He picked up an antique Russian oil lamp with a gilded base and moved toward the door.
If Noah had to kill a patient, he couldn't have picked one who'd be more accommodating.
如果诺亚总得弄死个病人的话, 再没有比这个更好打发的了。
The whole affair is bound to be taken into consideration when the Indian side is picked.
A mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea.
有一位大力的天使举起一块石头, 好象大磨石, 扔在海里。
The driver who picked up guest at the airport in a limousine, works for such a resort hotel.
Winners may be picked at random or names may go into a draw and a winner picked accordingly.
The pictures could be picked up by the Taliban and used as propaganda against the US and its allies.
Peter Piper Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

单词 picked 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.精选的,摘下的  [更多..]



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