单词 pissed 例句大全,用单词pissed造句:

Okay, thats an understatement, Jasper was fucking pissed off.
好吧, 这是一个轻描淡写, 曾钰成是他妈的愤怒。
I know you pissed at me, but we have to find a solution anyway.
我知道你生我的气, 但是我们还是得想出一个解决办法啊。
And so I get angry, and I get pissed, as do lots of average people.
于是我火了 气愤了 大多数人都会
She was very pissed off that I had pulled her from her advanced practice.
I mess with him, you drill into him, he gets pissed, and then what, huh ?
I glanced to my right and saw the bartender pissed and calling over a bouncer.
From solvent concentration point of view, gravure micyoco pissed management is necessary.
He pissed in darkness, filling his chamber pot as the Old Bears raven muttered complaints.
I’m so pissed off right now. Some idiot taxi driver ran a red light and T-boned me. I think my car might be totaled.
Pissed that someone jacked my phone last night! I had to cough up 600,000 won for a new one and had to pay the cancellation fees for my 2-year contract.

单词 pissed 释义

  • 单词释义:厌烦的,恼火的;极其愤怒的,生气的;喝醉的  [更多..]



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