单词 playground 例句大全,用单词playground造句:

There are classrooms, IT rooms, dancing rooms and a library, a playground.
那里有教室, 有机房, 有舞蹈室, 也有图书馆和操场。
We've set aside a small area as a children's playground, and staked it off.
我们划出一小块地方作为孩子们的游戏场, 并立桩标明。
The teacher told her students to assemble on the playground in ten minutes.
The Under the Bed Restraint System turns your bed into a bondage playground.
There are so many spectators watching the basketball match on the playground.
Furniture is to the living room what playground equipment is to the playground.
Brady got the chicken pox courtesy of some kid who licked him at the playground.
Directly east from Waitomo, Rotorua town is a rich playground for adventure sports.
The newly built schools and the school playground, campus beautification and greening.
The bunch of children played the rooster game in the playground with a lot of laughter.
We huddled under the eaves in the classroom, would not halfstep towards the playground.
我们挤在教室的屋檐下, 不肯迈向操场半步。
On the corridor reveals your elegance, in the playground demonstrates your grand appearance.
Poverty does not prevent kids from booting a ball around in the playground or on the streets.
They remained listening very carefully though there was a lot of noise out on the playground.
尽管外面操场上很吵闹, 他们还是非常专心地在听讲。
Jeffery and Eddy went to the playground together and Jeffery learned how to play bigger games.
The teacher told his pupils to spread out and not to bunch up in the center of the playground.
老师要学生们散开, 不要挤在操场中间。
The playground is accessible theon Salisbury Road, Middle Road or the lift at the west entrance.
Those classrooms under the setting sun silently smeared their downy shadows all over the playground.
There is going to be a bonfire party on the playground at 7 30 this evening. Please be there on time.
There was a pile of coal beside the playground before, but now a beautiful garden takes the place of it.
以前操场边上有个煤堆, 现在被一个格园代替了。
There will be a football match between Class One and Class Two on the playground at five this afternoon.
There was an air of amusement as they approached the playground, which was afraid with banderole and balloons.
I also now get a warm welcome from my vast array of pupils as I march across the playground trying to be on time to class.
当我想准时上课, 穿过操场时, 得到了我的学生们的夹道欢迎。
At the rest time I saw some athletes preparing in the playground, one of those athletes was a beautiful girl whose smile was so pretty.
I don't care,' I told myself, 'who owns those date palms, those trees or this black, cracked earth-all I know is that it's the arena for my dreams and my playground.'

单词 playground 释义

  • 单词释义:操场,尤指提供如秋千等设备的户外场地;游乐场;(某些集体聚会游乐的)园地  [更多..]



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