单词 pitiful 例句大全,用单词pitiful造句:

Joseph didnt know if it was or not. She definitely didnt seem pitiful.
醉汉走过来, 觉得他可怜, 就扔了一百元给他。
Then goes all out to explain to her that, and makes the pitiful shape.
然后拼命地向她解释, 并作可怜状。
It was the pitiful sight of a man standing in the very focus of sorrow.
In addition teacher already an age, therefore teacher is really pitiful.
加上老师已经一把年纪, 所以老师真可怜。
Their spines collapse. They are so pitiful, they might as well be human.
它们成了这么可怜的什物, 跟人类一样。
The child that I am pitiful ah, I know your loneliness, I know your pang!
Oh, my pitiful tootsy, I can also put on the sock to you, put on the shoe?
She refused to let either Sunshine or me get near that pitiful little body.
These magazines were the most pitiful burlesque stuff that yon could imagine.
Fashion girl How pitiful the mother and daughter are! I really want to help them.
But to worship the golden calf for eighteen shillings a week! Oh pitiful,pitiful!
A drunk man walked by, thinking the beggar was pitiful, threw him a hundred dollars.
一个醉汉走过来, 觉得他可怜, 就扔了一百元给他。
In the afternoon that day,the air is clarified that the sky really green and pitiful.
In the afternoon that day, the air is clarified that the sky really green and pitiful.
那一天的午后, 空气非常澄清, 天色真青得可怜。
When she saw the pitiful condition of the children,Kim could barely choke back her tears.
It is pitiful to see that the life of an animal in a zoo is spent in an locked iron cage.
看到动物园里的动物一生都被关在铁笼子里, 真是令人可怜。
Fifth, from receive visitors prose poems looked its is complex but the also pitiful life.
Therefore, Americas black slavesmortality rate very high, the destiny is extremely pitiful.
The world feels emotion, the sentiment reason interweaves, frail pitiful other shore flower.
More Heinous, more sorrowful and pitiful. Cause nobody can compare all the crime by he make's.
越是十恶不赦的人, 越是可悲可怜。因他犯下的罪无人能比。
The king starts cry bitterlying his pitiful wife with the son, ratio his mother still feel sad much.
We pledge for your attention on the massive dog cull in Beijing and save them from this pitiful lot!
A pitiful sight of old shelves with books that are fallen apart can been seen across the schools of Albania.
The education system is in crisis, its braindrain and lows in world rankings matched by its teachers pitiful salaries.
他笑了, 却笑得很可悲。可是还是没有说话。
The mother very pitiful youngest son, he entreats the husband not to want to announce the minute property matter first.
母亲很可怜小儿子, 他恳求丈夫先不要宣布分财产的事。

单词 pitiful 释义

  • 单词释义:可怜的;可鄙的;<古>充满同情或怜悯的;惨  [更多..]



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