单词 pitiful 例句大全,用单词pitiful造句:

On nearly every page, some character is shown to be pitiful or tawdry Vince Foster, the White House lawyer who committed suicide
嗯我觉得可能看上去确实有点俗气。庸俗, 不过
Their pitiful silence can be heard echoing harmoniously with the sound of their hearts beating like the perpetuating ocean waves.
Now, was it not the depth of absurdityof genuine idiocy, for that pitiful, slavish, meanminded brach to dream that I could love her
只要有全面的数据, 则可较精准地测算地震的深度。

单词 pitiful 释义

  • 单词释义:可怜的;可鄙的;<古>充满同情或怜悯的;惨  [更多..]



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