单词 poem 例句大全,用单词poem造句:

Art Achievement and Effect of Chinese Traditional Opera Poem in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty
Her and achievement in revitalizing the Irish language through poem writing and highly praised.
她在现代诗歌创作中重振爱尔兰语的成就, 倍受褒扬。
Peak experiment in poem appreciation is the highest level and best realm of aesthetic judgment.
Held airy philosophical discussions the poem already to be very strange regarding todays people.
ChenXiaocui was a famous modem artists, and she was also accomplished in poem, article and drama.
陈小翠是现代著名女画家, 同时诗词曲文无一不精。
Abtract The lyric is a complicated variant of the poem, and a kind of independent Chinese poem body.
Bai Juyi concentrated more than108 to chant the flowered poem to reflect him to the colored affection.
Bai Juyi concentrated more than110 to chant the flowered poem to reflect him to the colored affection.
Each poem can be explained at various levels from differentperspectives allegorical, symbolical and others.
Hetaoci poem has unique characteristics in the three aspects of poem theme, poem tune and expression method.
This poem expressed the poet's affection in the cockles of the heart and the loyalism in the poem was sincere.
In the history of Chinese poem, Hu Shi's A Collection of Attempting Modern Langnage Poem is a sign of new era.
Puts forward comparing Chinese and western poem in painting theory on the aspect of researching poem in painting.
Third, adhere to the idea of the poem speech will, in order to enrich the subject matter and content of the prose.
My mother read the little poem and began to cry.' Buddy, you didn't really write this beautiful, beautiful poem !'
Alexander Pope An Essay on Criticism is writen by Alexander Pope, it is a didactic poem written in heroic couplets.
When translating the source poem, the translator employs the iconic forms to render the iconicity of the source poem.
A few years later I took a second look at the first poem, and reluctantly I had to agree with my father's harsh judgment.
The popular verbal Poem in Spring and Autumn Period is the product of the separation of poem from ceremony, music and dance.
After his opening words, the actor presented himself and recited a four-sentence poem to introduce the content of the opera .
Slowly, with terrible effort, he put some words together. He made her a poem, his own poem, the only one he had ever made in his life.
Second, show unique characteristics on his poem of chanting thing, chanting his poem Ode on a sigh of things to express their feelings.
This impressive and graceful poem makes a concentrated display of the successes our society has achieved since the founding of our nation.
Conjunction of auxiliary word of adverb of pronoun of measure word of substantival verb numeral causes phraseology poem word and libretto.
Glaze is allover inside and outside, the bottom is supported with five support pins, and there is royal poem written by Emperor Qianlong carved later.

单词 poem 释义

  • 单词释义:诗;韵文;诗一样的作品;富有诗意的东西  [更多..]



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