A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings.
以陈腐的诗作形式进行的迂说研究/ 使某人继续进行无法忍受的角斗/ 利用字和含义
A Research on Loss of Poetical Metre in the Poems with Seven Characters to Each of the Eight Lines in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty
This courtyard with many structures, which is built after a design that is perfectlythoughtout, is modest in size but tastefully elegant, in a setting that is secluded and idyllic, evocative of ones deep poetical and artistic sentiments.
庭园布局严谨, 小巧玲珑, 环境幽静, 充满着诗情画意。