单词 practise 例句大全,用单词practise造句:

This short activity is a fun bingo game designed to practise numbers with your students.
Heating up the wet sheet at the press part through steam box has been commonly practise.
The Practise of Inserting Pipe Spray Method in Pipe Brick to Elimitate Pipe Brick Leakage
Grasp Opportunities and Practise Bravely to Deepen the System Reform of Forensic Expertise
The Party therefore suggested a renewed campaign to raise production and practise economy.
It has been our commitment to train and enforce our staff to practise this Privacy Policy.
Yet he admitted that Wang should try to practise his video skills by filming natural scenes.
然而, 这位男孩也承认王林应该拍摄自然景色来练习摄像。
To practise law, a person shall acquire qualification as a lawyer and a practice certificate.
第五条律师执业, 应当取得律师资格和执业证书。
But in practise considerations of expediency must creep in beside considerations of morality.
To worship of the sun and the moon in the early stage of Taoism and Taoist practise asceticism
In order to combat fanaticism we need to cultivate and practise faithfulness to the individual.
Stress on practise training, learning doing in the doing through apprentice follow master worker.
Application of Carl R Rogers's humanism theory to guide student nurse to practise holistic nursing
And their behind whether several coach, accompany to practise, the doctor, cook etc. are sustaining.
而他们的背后有无数的教练, 陪练, 医生, 厨师等在支持着。
On the Necessity and Feasibility to Practise Combined Quarantine Inspection of Small Lots of Bee Products
Periphery detected some schoolmates all practise, teacher also suggested practises early has the advantage.
发觉周围有些同学都去实习, 老师也建议早实习有好处。
Practise of Using the Mobile Methane Pumping Station for Managing the upper Comer Angle Methane of Coal Faces
Objective Implement the practise midwifery of responsibility, improve the delivery room and attend to quality.
目的施行责任助产, 提高产房护理质量。
Supplement treatment based on syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals combined with clinical practise.
补充经络证治, 结合临床讲解经络辨证。
Hit illegal practise medicine to act to be being begun deep at present, each district rectifies black clinic actively.
目前打击非法行医行动正深入开展, 各地积极整顿黑诊所。
The government of national defence shall practise democratic centralism,and shall be at once democratic and centralized.
Practise martial arts person has to need to have skill, then it is possible let self move style have antipersonnel force.
The state shall practise a system by which certificates are issued to children who have received prophylactic vaccination.
For a period of time consumption was overheated. We have warned the people of the need to practise austerity for a few years.
前一段消费过热, 我们给人民打了招呼, 要过几年紧日子。
Each morning when I went out to practise singing in the open air, I took a little basket to scrounge for cinders for our stove.

单词 practise 释义

  • 单词释义:练习;实习;积极从事;执业  [更多..]



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