单词 premonition 例句大全,用单词premonition造句:

I am dim at the beginning to have a premonition we do not like the future.
I also smile, but I had a premonition that there will be the disturbance again.
Anyhow, gutty premonition, they are in putup what, the individual guesses just.
I have the premonition I will bump into my English premonition, teacher once more.
我有预感, 我会再次碰到
A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all 20 bills!!!
藉由简单的摺纸, 可怕的灾难都预告在20元的纸钞上!
As he straddled his bi cycle again he felt ill at ease, almost a sense of premonition.
再跨上车时他觉得心神不安, 仿佛有种不详的预感。
Natalie Thank you, sir. I did have an awful premonition I was gonna fuck up on my first day.
As he bought the lottery ticket he had a premonition that he was going to win a big prize, and sure enough it came true.
Secure in his enduring marriage to Ingrid, he has no premonition of the storm that is about to engulf him when he meets Anna at an embassy cocktail party.

单词 premonition 释义

  • 单词释义:预感,预兆;前兆,征兆;预先的警告(告诫),预诫  [更多..]



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