单词 possession 例句大全,用单词possession造句:

We have authority over every single sickness, disease, oppression, depression and possession.
The right for the acquisition and possession of the civil aircraft through an act of purchase.
Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.
His table being small, and not suitable for the barricade, he had been left in possession of it.
他的桌子太小, 对街垒起不了作用, 所以就留下给他了。
From this possession arises jealously and fear of loss, and we legalize this possessive instinct.
The notice may be given either to the person in actual possession of the goods or to his principal.
Firearms, ammunition, weapons, police arms; possession of firearms and ammunition without a licence
Milan controls the game administrates well the ball possession, but the manoeuvre is maybe too slow.
米兰控制着场上局势, 掌握着控球权, 但是调动速度太慢。
Chapter X of the Penal Code relates to the illegal possession and bearing of firearms or explosives.
Only actively by the sublation of alienation can the real possession of the human nature be realized.
When Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, he got up and went down to take possession of naboth's vineyard.
亚哈听见拿伯死了, 就起来, 下去要得耶斯列人拿伯的葡萄园。
The forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
Posthumous awards were made to the family of the fallen soldier accompanied by a possession certificate.
The terrorists were found to be in possession of an assault rifle, ammunition and several hand grenades.
Jump ball When players from opposing teams gain simultaneous possession of the ball, the referee stops play.
Hong Kong singing idols Jill Vidal and Kelvin Kwan were arrested in Tokyo over alleged possession of cannabis.
The possession of riches or the lack of them was what was important for making some acquiesce and others rebel.
Finally, we summarize the superiority of the trade of arable land possession of arable land possession permits.
最后, 总结了建立耕地占用权交易制度的优越性。
An official throws the ball in the air as a player from each opposing team jumps to gain possession of the ball.
裁判将球抛向空中, 这时双方的选手通过跳跃来争球。
In1978, the actor and comedian was arrested for cocaine possession and sentenced to three to seven years in prison.
在1978年, 这位演员持有可卡因被捕被判刑3到7年的刑期。
An Eclectic Legislation Mode of Property Possession Behavior Should Be Adopted in the Property Possession Legislation
Providing financial assistance for programmes for the collection and destruction of weapons in the possession of citizens.
An exception should be added to the regulation upon complaint aiming at acts taking possession of public property unlawfully.
The student from Sisseton High School in South Dakota was arrested in possession of a mini arsenal of guns and bombmaking equipment.
The Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority is in possession of the relevant documentation including registration and airworthiness certificates.

单词 possession 释义

  • 单词释义:占有;个人财产控球状态;持有违禁物;殖民地;着魔  [更多..]



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