Decentralization and social mobilization have been adopted as key interventions for poverty reduction.
Cross to see the world from poverty and ill health poverty hunger of the poor beggars, what feelings ?
But the fact is that it is entrenching this poverty. It loves poverty for perverted reasons of its own.
Simplicity does not mean want or poverty.It does not mean the absence of any decor , or absolute nudity.
More than a billion people live below the threshold of absolute poverty and in critical medical conditions.
Women were actively involved in the national plan for poverty reduction which had yielded tangible results.
妇女积极参与国家除贫计划, 已产生了实质成果。
Poverty is not sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace.
贫穷不足为耻, 穷而不知自立方为耻辱。
The society will offer support and opportunity to those who are poor in order to eradicate absolute poverty.
Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace.
贫穷并不可耻, 穷而不争气才可耻。
He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.
Addressing this challenge can contribute significantly to achieving the overarching goal of poverty reduction.
Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself, is a disgrace.
贫穷不足为耻, 穷而不能自立方可耻。
Globalization has often been accompanied by enhanced poverty, unemployment and consequent social disintegration.
There are safe statements made by just about everybody about the issue of the Millennial Goals and about poverty.
She stressed the need to develop a human rights framework to monitor and adjudicate poverty reduction strategies.
But education also can reconstruct culture of poverty if it has enough effect on transforming culture of poverty.
Recent recipients of the World Food Prize have adopted innovative methods for development and poverty alleviation.
Disasters are holding back progress on the achievement of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals.
The1.3 billion women, children and elderly people living in absolute poverty are striking evidence of this challenge.
The1. 1 billion women, children and elderly people living in absolute poverty are striking evidence of this challenge.
The Prime Minister was accused of living in cloud cuckoo land and being completely unaware of the poverty in the country.
The fifth chapter is accomplishments and main problems of poverty alleviation through agricultural industrialization of Enshi region.
A Comparative Study of the Poverty Problems between China and Russia in the Time of Transition and the Analysis of the Common Nature of Poverty
Poverty and low status are what all men hate. But if they cannot avoided in while staying in accordance with the Tao, you should not avoid them.
The feasting, revelries, luxuries and dazzling neon lamps of that era could not gloss over the sprawling slums and abject poverty of most Shanghai residents.
灯红酒绿, 纸醉金迷, 眩目得霓虹灯掩盖不了陋室处处。