单词 prerogative 例句大全,用单词prerogative造句:

It is the Prime Ministers prerogative to decide when to call an election.
The Technique for Evaluating Mining Prerogative and Establishing Parameters
A coward is incapable of exhibiting love it is the prerogative of the brave.
The U.S. risks losing this prerogative if Europe gives up picking the No. 1.
如果欧洲放弃总裁一职, 美国就可能失去这一特权。
This could become part of a policy prerogative for bridging the digital divide.
Reason to rule but mercy to forgive the first is the law, the last prerogative.
Respect for human rights was not the prerogative of any particular civilization.
This is the prerogative and knowledge of the Creator Sons, and the Universe Mothers.
Its a handlers prerogative to determine what his dog needs at any one point in time.
The best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun, fun, fun.
做一个女人最好的事情就是有点特权来享受乐趣, 乐趣, 乐趣。
so as not to preclude the Owners prerogative of selecting appropriate corrective action.
right sanction franchise licence permit leave warrant authorization prerogative permission
核准, 许可, 特许
On the contrary, under the absolutism, modern copyright had become political prerogative.
Then evaluates and considers the actualities of the prerogative of mercy that in our country.
to abolish the prerogative courts which were seen as challenging the supremacy of the law, and
prerogative a right or privilege especially a special right or privilege that some people have.
解说权利, 特权。
Diplomatic protection was a sovereign prerogative of the State as a subject of international law.
Interpretation of the Guideline is the exclusive prerogative of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.
It would be the prerogative of member States and the Conference to take a final decision on these matters.
The state Supreme Court then ruled that the medical board had exceeded its prerogative in impeding state law.
It is the exploitation of the ordinary people which has become the pernicious prerogative of the ruling elite.
Our understanding is that these coordinators are being appointed under the authority and prerogative of the President.
Exercising his prerogative as host, Hsinmei preempted the right to bestow his attentions on her in front of Hungchien.
Disarmament is not the prerogative of the few. All countries have the right to participate therein on an equal footing.
裁军不是少数国家的特权, 所有国家都有平等参与的权利。
Right, privilege, prerogative, perquisite, birthright These nouns apply to something, such as a power or possession, to which one has an established claim.
这些名词指某人享有既定的所有权的东西, 例如权力或财产。

单词 prerogative 释义

  • 单词释义:特权,君权,天赋的特权(能力等);特性,特点,显著的优点;[史]优先投票权;<美史>总督委任组成的法庭  [更多..]



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