单词 resign 例句大全,用单词resign造句:

Yehude Simon, the prime minister, said he would resign once calm was restored.
He was asked to resign from the club when he was discovered cheating at cards.
人们发现他在玩纸牌时作弊, 就要求他退出那个俱乐部。
Please be advised of my intention to resign from the company, effective January.
Through these measures to reduce staff resign rates and the restaurant's losses.
Two of the permanent judges and one ad litem judge will resign at the end of2008.
He paced up and down in front of his boss's door, still not brave enough to resign.
The Prime Minister clung to his job like a limpet, despite calls for him to resign.
John advised me to resign, but I feel it does not justify. Is authorities the reason
约翰劝我辞职, 我真的很不甘心, 权利就是理由吗?
Los Angeles Galaxy coach to resign from his duties, Gullit has been jobless and idle.
Auntie has passed away. Try to resign yourself to that fact and dont grieve too much.
In the press conference, Liu said he and his cabinet will resign en masse this Thursday.
在记者会上, 刘表示他与他的内阁团队将于周四总辞。
Accountability is the responsibility of a complete system, not just the as the and resign.
问责制是一套完整的责任体系, 而不仅仅等同于引咎辞职。
The other person's achievements are beyond us; we must resign ourselves to being inferior.
The secretary had to resign after she was accused of giving away the secret of the company.
The scandal cost her her career, ie resulted in her having to resign, being dismissed, etc.
Resign This button is available to all guild members and will allow them to leave the guild.
There having been some matters about the bookkeepers honesty, the company asked him to resign.
由于一些关于图书管理员的诚实问题, 公司叫他辞职。
A member of the panel of adjudicators may resign by giving notice in writing to the Chief Justice.
Everybody took it for granted that after what had happened, he would surely take the blame and resign.
大家都想当然地认为发生了这样的事, 他一定会引咎辞职的。
On another issue, critics of South African Health Minister Manto TshabalalaMsimang called for her to resign.
ObjectiveTo investigate and analyze the relative factors that influence contracted nurses to resign initiatively.
is not allowed to resign from public employment for other reasons, as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
La Gazzetta dello Sport understands Juventus will entrust the bench to Pavel Nedved if Ciro Ferrara were to resign or get the sack.
He had to acknowledge his mistake and resign because the use of torture to extort a confession happened within the area he administers.
It is pretty hopeless as a venue for opera, it took 17 years to build, its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside.

单词 resign 释义

  • 单词释义:辞职;放弃;屈从;勉强接受  [更多..]



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