单词 repay 例句大全,用单词repay造句:

Creditors are now asking me to pay for his daughter, I an obligation repay it?
The plaintiff loaned the defendant money, and the defendant failed to repay it.
That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who see th in secret will repay thee.
好使你的施舍隐而不露, 你父在暗中看见, 必要报答你。
My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words. to repay It'someday.
My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words. to repay it someday.
Prospectus to be used to repay loans, debt restructuring, the company added liquidity.
Will he borrow to spend, only to wish he hadnt, and then gripe about having to repay me
作为家长, 你已不再想贴补他们。
That is against the law and I expect I will not ultimately be forced to repay the debt.
Before setting out, the soldiers made a pledge to serve the country to repay her kindness
Most analysts had expected PCCW would use the entire proceeds to repay the company's debts.
Gradually, I had to win the confidence of the people, want to repay the teacher of this pay.
I expect to be able to collect,on the8th April,money sufficient to repay you on the same day.
For this reason we acknowledge history without bias, but would never repay unkindnessunkindness.
因此我们正视历史, 但绝不以怨抱怨。
The settlement agreement shall stipulate the period in which the enterprise shall repay the debts.
Many of those who argue for the inevitability of default claim that Greece can never repay its debt.
We owe you a debt we can never repay. I only hope that in time we will be able to rebuild our Order.
This is the best way for countries that have benefited from the American century to repay their debt.
Article 206 Time of Principal Repayment The borrower shall repay the principal at the prescribed time.
Debt Overhang A situation where the debt stock of a country exceeds the country's future capacity to repay.
The company incurs major debts or fails to repay those debts that have come due in violation of an agreement.
The terms of the deposit confer upon the bank the right to repay the deposit before maturity at its discretion.
A company which does not repay its debts or provide corresponding guarantees for such debts may not be divided.
With the consent of the lender, the borrowers may repay the principal and interest of the loans ahead of schedule.
But Ephraim has bitterly provoked him to anger his Lord will leave upon him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt.
After I die, please send my ashes to my hometown, bury it, and plant an apple tree on it. This way I can repay the loss to the people of my hometown.

单词 repay 释义

  • 单词释义:偿还;付还;报答;酬报  [更多..]



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