单词 repeatedly 例句大全,用单词repeatedly造句:

This requests us to appreciate repeatedly to the collection wrong topic, pondered unceasingly.
Several Olympic star spoke with fervor and assurance, the scene atmosphere climaxed repeatedly.
几位奥运明星侃侃而谈, 现场气氛高潮迭起。
Only by repeatedly analysing your enemy, then you can find the critical point in their strategy.
反复了解和分析敌情, 发现阴谋的重要地方。
In the Hanly litigation, the case was repeatedly remanded for further explanations by the agency.
The Rudd Government has repeatedly called for caution by both sides in thewilds of the Antarctic.
Pesters me to be unable repeatedly sadly to move aside, in the heart has a sound always to shout.
Our party repeatedly emphasize that leading cadre must set up correct view of achievement in post.
我们党一再强调, 领导干部要树立正确得政绩观。
The honor system is a usual method which is adopted repeatedly by the government of Ching Dynasty.
During the antitrust trial, Bill Gates repeatedly denied that Microsofts dominance was unassailable.
Sometimes in new white overlaps repeatedly with repeatedly also concentrates in together, synergism.
She colored, because her aunt Helen had repeatedly made her aware of the social distance between them.
她泛着红晕, 姨妈多次告诉她要注意别人的社会地位。
Furthermore, the team nova Qiao liberal arts supplementary contract question is also repeatedly delays.
Unable to cope with his fathers death and sisters suicide in 1992, he repeatedly lapsed into alcoholism.
And children who repeatedly suffer lung infections have a great change from developing disease as adults.
并且, 肺部反复遭受感染的儿童很大可能在在成年期患此病。
The bottle pattern alternate with, two magpie, symbol of luck and echo each other at funerals repeatedly.
瓶身花纹相间, 两只喜鹊遥相呼应, 象征吉祥如意, 喜事连连。
They were pounding the desk in the interrogation room repeatedly and forced him to confess his alleged crimes.
Come more than 10 years, our unremitting, in besmear outfit advanced technology respect has contribution repeatedly.
Effects of repeatedly exposed emotional faces on attentional bias of university students with high depression ratings.
Or O'Neal, in Game 4 of the 2000 Western Conference final against Portland who was fouled repeatedly by the Trail Blazers.
A patent right can be pledged repeatedly because of its accordance with the economic thought of making full use of everything.
We are finding repeatedly that hybridization is more common than we used to think, lead author Roland Kays told Discovery News.
Expression breaks down for the facial nerve that appears repeatedly and facial strut, amalgamative knit tongue folding in a garment.
表现为反复出现的面神经瘫痪和面部肿胀, 合并皱襞舌。
It was dug in the fifth century B.C. and repeatedly extended and dredged, becoming a major thoroughfare for water transport in subsequent dynasties.
Kelon has repeatedly won awards as the best-run and most investor-friendly company in China, ahead of such leaders as China Telecom and computer giant Legend.
Not only in medicine, but in other professions as well, practitioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences seem avoidable only through deception.

单词 repeatedly 释义

  • 单词释义:反复地,重复地;再三地;屡次地;不停地  [更多..]



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