单词 requested 例句大全,用单词requested造句:

President Yadav requested Ambassador Yang to convey his cordial greetings to President Hu.
The number of ancestor node levels to traverse when retrieving the requested ancestor node.
Your applications may not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested.
如未能提供全部所需资料, 申请可能不获考虑。
Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
对于请求的操作, 线程不在一个适当的状态时抛出。
If requested to split order due to backorder, customer will incur additional freight charges.
如因缺货须分开发货, 额外运费将由顾客承担。
As a result, the State party requested the Committee to review its decision on admissibility.
The additional posts requested would augment the capacity for providing services in those areas.
He is alleged to have requested that the company's dealers place trades with particular brokers.
The Panel requested the Administration to revert to the Panel on the outcome of the consultation.
Applicants must provide the information requested or else their applications will not be processed.
申请人必须提供所要求资料, 否则其申请将不获处理。
During reallocation, the requested size is compared against the existing size of the allocated block.
Informed of Chiangs intentions, the Communists requested UNRRA to stick to the tripartite agreement.
The undersigned declares the absence of any knowledge of being blacklisted by the MNOs requested above.
They also requested me to consider the scope for adjustments, as appropriate, to the mandate for UNPOS.
Consequently, no additional appropriation is requested in respect of this decision in the present report.
The exporting States or Iraq should provide the additional information requested within a period of60 days.
The Advisory Committee recommends approval of all the additional posts requested in view of the increased workload.
A total of18 posts are requested under the support account for the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts.
In this regard, the General Assembly requested a comprehensive report on the system of accountability and responsibility.
在这方面, 大会要求关于问责制和责任制的全面报告。
A summary of the posts requested for conversion, establishment and abolition is presented in annex II to the present report.
For all these reasons, the Ambassador requested that the organization should submit a new application for consultative status.
In case of any change of rooms or particular requests about accommodation, you are requested to contact our reception personnel.
若想换房或有特殊要求, 请与他们联络。
The Court found that arbitration would have commenced if and when the plaintiff requested the defendant to appoint an arbitrator.
法庭认为, 如果且当原告要求被告任命仲裁员, 仲裁便开始了。
According to the usual practice, you are requested to submit to us your annual sales program, i. e. an estimated amount of turnover.
按照惯例, 要求你方提交一份年度销售计画, 即估计营业额。
After the crippled Young America was towed back into Harbor the New York Yacht Club requested permission to use its second boat - a near twin of the first - for the remaining seven in the series.

单词 requested 释义

  • 单词释义:(下级对上级的)请求( request的过去式和过去分词 );请求得到;索取;邀请[常接不定式或从句]  [更多..]



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