单词 required 例句大全,用单词required造句:

The hotel accommodation offer is subject to room availability and advance reservation is required.
Such examination will only be required where there are doubts about the acceptability of the price.
It must always accompany the horse when traveling and be available for inspection whenever required.
当马匹出外时须随时携带此文件, 以备随时的检验需要。
They will run their business according to the law and pay taxes as required by relevant regulations.
To apply for Academic degree Examination, one copy of transcript of annual academic year is required.
CALIBRATION The operation that is required to determine the accuracy of measuring and test equipment.
The man summoned as a witness was required to make an oath that what he would say was absolutely true.
A renal biopsy is required for an accurate diagnosis, as no conenient biomarker is currently aailable.
Please specify both required suction vacuum and full load capacity or required bypass nozzle diameter.
The terrorism report is sent annually to Congress, and a statistical annex is required to accompany it.
The teacher required an excuse from every pupil, without exception, who had been absent the previous day.
The government investigators required the companys accountants to attest to the accuracy of their reports.
Furthermore, the prosecution is required to provide the accused with any material that may be exculpatory.
That attainment of these objectives required abandonment of the traditional posture did not deter Roosevelt.
An entry is not required in the vehicle registration documents and a manufacturer's certificate is not required.
Shank sections for lathe and planer tools; machined all over, not required to meet special standards of accuracy.
If new strategies are required, companies must be bold enough to adopt them and change their organisations accordingly.
需要新战略, 就必须放胆采纳, 把公司结构换掉。
Where original documents or signatures are required. Facsimile photocopies of documents or signatures are not acceptable.
只接正本文件和签名, 复印件不可接受。
The English translation of the title of Chinese scientific paper is required to be accuracy, brevity and rhetorical appeal.
摘要论文标题的英译要忠实准确, 简练和优美。
The metering accuracy required by the process can be realized by setting the different step lengths of recurring sentences.
Where required, negotiate with other department managers for the acquisition of required personnel from within the company.
若有需要, 与其他部门经理商量公司内部人员需求事宜。
Each private institution, employer or enterprise owner makes public the job announcement in accordance with the skills required.
You will be required to put our advert on all visable content of your site. We will give you our advert code and you are required to put it.
Nevertheless, stateowned enterprises still face numerous problems and difficulties, and painstaking efforts are required to accomplish reform tasks.
The paper says further research is required into interview techniques and conditions under which false memories and reports of abuse are most likely to arise.

单词 required 释义



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