单词 rewrite 例句大全,用单词rewrite造句:

Later in the article, I rewrite the pointcut as I demonstrate some of the testing patterns.
It might take you a few extra minutes to rewrite your todo but it will be worth it in the end.
也许会让你多花几分钟在这个计划上, 但绝对很值。
Breakthroughs in computer imaging mean we may have to rewrite the history books on Shakespeare.
Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Find the mistake and rewrite the sentence correctly.
This interpretation agreed to rewrite the dictionary, but did not agree to rewrite because of misuse.
I mentioned that E. B. White and James Thurber were known to rewrite their pieces eight or nine times.
Taking the sample in Listing 5 as a guide, Id rewrite that fragment into something like the code in Listing 6.
参考清单5中的例子, 我将这段代码改写为清单6的代码。
Decided by himself or by the technocrats who were the only ones given the opportunity to rewrite the new constitution.
由他自己或者专家政治论者决定, 有机会重新新宪法。
Your mother has drafted the enclosed letter for you to send to your godmother. You may wish to add or delete and thereafter rewrite it properly.
Nowadays, The Legend of White Snake becomes a very important theme of literature, and countless creative writers rewrite the tale with distinctive colors and social significance.

单词 rewrite 释义



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